Laura's LifePath Coaching

October 16, 2023

October 16, 2023

Are you heading in any particular direction or toward any destination? Do you know if the path you’re on will take you where you want to go?


Maybe there is a relationship in your life you would like to improve, or maybe there is one you would be better off leaving behind.


Are you on the brink of needing to make any important decisions?


Talking with a coach can make a difference! 


Do you have a next step in mind?

October 9, 2023

October 9, 2023

We generally fail to recognize that our pain is often a useful tool in God’s hand for shaping our lives according to His plan. His love and concern not only sustain us and provide healing, they often help us to use our pain as a growth spurt that can move us closer to Him.


In her book “True You”, Susan Sohn states “It is our mess, pain and ugly that God uses to create the most incredible beauty in our lives. Could our pain be the broth that nourishes our souls?”


My coaching centers on helping clients find hope and healing through a better understanding of God’s love and purpose, ultimately including the ability to praise Him for His perfect plan.


Have you considered that God has a purpose in allowing your pain?

October 2, 2023

October 2, 2023

Here is Snoopy’s recipe for Balance!


The humor may outweigh the message about balance, but it helps to focus on the importance of balance in our daily living. I also think it is a fun message to begin a new week!


Balance is important for healthy relationships and it’s a subject that coaches can help their clients to work toward.


Who’s up for a nap this afternoon?

September 25, 2023

September 25, 2023

Sometimes we need this reminder and Monday morning is a good time for it.


We may have started the day and week feeling burdened, if not overwhelmed, with all of the work we’re faced with. 


We also tend to become occupied with figuring out what to do next, or how to do it.  Worse, we often forget the most important thing we need to do – “call on Jesus”.  Maybe that’s because it seems too simple to be a solution! 


Have you called on Jesus today?

September 18, 2023

September 18, 2023

I think I’m pretty hard on myself. How about you?


When I came across this prayer, it seemed obvious to me that the Lord was speaking directly to me. Do you think He talks to you?


I often see myself as one of my own worst enemies. How about you? 


Thankfully, God doesn’t expect perfection. We’re all works in progress and will never reach perfection in this life. It doesn’t matter how hard we try, we just can’t live up to our own expectations. We need to come to terms with the fact that, despite our weaknesses, God loves us just the way we are.


It’s important to forgive others, but probably more important to accept God’s grace and forgiveness for ourselves.


I hope the above prayer will encourage you today.


Can you stop beating yourself up? 

September 11, 2023

September 11, 2023

Let’s not ever forget September 11, 2001.


It is an especially good time to reflect on our need for God’s presence and help:


“The light of God surrounds me;


The love of God enfolds me;


The power of God protects me;


The presence of God watches over me.


Wherever I am, God is.”


Are you seeking God’s power and presence today?

September 4, 2023

September 4, 2023

Busy, busy! We’re all so busy, aren’t we?!


One definition of the word “busy” is “an active or earnest effort to accomplish something”.


But what are we accomplishing in all of our busyness? Are we making progress towards our goals? Or are we spinning our wheels and avoiding the things we need to be doing?


A coach can help you work smart.


Call me. Let’s talk about it!

August 28, 2023

August 28, 2023

My nephew enjoys playing the keyboard with the worship band at his church. He’s also a graphic artist and created this graphic. The heart of the message is focused on ” the rest “. 


I am trying to take a rest this coming week leading up to the busy school season about to get underway. This means disciplining myself to put aside my routine of checking off my to-do list and shifting my focus to spending some time with my son and, hopefully, some extra time to read and recharge. My son will be gone in the blink of an eye and I’ll be glad for whatever time that I’m able to set aside and spend with him. Also, setting aside some rest time for myself will help me to be a better Mom. 


The words of John Ruskin paint a meaningful picture. Day by day, I am learning about rest.


Are you well-rested? I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and help you strike the next note full and clear.

August 21, 2023

August 21, 2023

One of my passions as a coach is for helping clients to build and maintain healthy relationships.


I have concluded that the foundation for building healthy and lasting relationships begins with cementing our personal relationship with the Lord. From there we have the compass to guide us in the building, maintenance, and repair of our other relationships. The desire of my heart is to help women (and men) who are in unhealthy relationships, or are struggling to maintain an important relationship, navigate their way through to health, where that is possible, and freedom from any relationship that is determined to be beyond repair.


At the core of my coaching plan for every client is the underlying emphasis on personal spiritual growth that will help to deepen the client’s relationship and identity in Christ, which can enable the building of new and healthy relationships as well as lead to the healing of pain from past experiences. 


If you or someone you know could benefit from relationship coaching, I hope you will reach out to me to set up a complimentary Discovery call!

August 14, 2023

August 14, 2023

Has your faith grown enough that you can let go of your burdens and rest in Him?


Our efforts to do God’s will and bring Him glory often become a struggle that ends in disappointment and, over time, lead us to a sense of hopelessness.


Andrew Murray, a pre-eminent author and pastor, emphasizing that God, the Almighty, works all, concludes that He is the only source of power. He writes, “Entering the rest of God is the ceasing from self-effort, and the yielding up of oneself in the full surrender of faith to God’s working.” 


Scripture confirms that Jesus wants to bring us into union with Himself and to a place of rest and love. Isn’t this reassuring? 


Have you been able to give your problems, pressures and difficulties to Him? Can you trust Him to take up your burdens and struggling and enter His rest?