Laura's LifePath Coaching

December 30, 2024

December 30, 2024

Happy New Year!


Does that greeting lead to any thoughts about possible changes for the better in your life next year?


In other parts of the world people do some odd things on New Year’s Eve to try to ensure changes in the coming year. In Russia, there’s a tradition of writing wishes on a piece of paper, burning it, and then drinking the ashes in a glass of champagne! In Turkey, people sprinkle salt on their doorstep at midnight to assure peace and prosperity in the new year.


My personal hope for the new year is that there will be a widespread recognition of the truth found in God’s Word that, as individuals, we all fall short in God’s sight. This one critical insight is what allows us to understand and accept Jesus’ offer to put our hopes and desire for the change that God is looking for in His hands. If you haven’t done that yet, that’s the one life changing event that I hope you will experience in the new year!


My coaching goal is to help my clients to find this new beginning and to help them travel a new road that leads to becoming the people that God made them to be, new people in partnership with the Holy Spirit! It’s the same goal that is beautifully stated by Frances Brook in 1896 when he wrote the hymn, “My goal is God Himself, not joy, nor peace, nor even blessing, but Himself, my God.”


As Charles Stanley observes, “His commitment to you is lasting…His friendship never changes.”


Does the transformation that God is looking for, and offers to each of us, sound like a worthwhile goal for the new year?

January 1, 2024

JanuarY 1, 2024

Here’s to your health in 2024!


God desires for His children to be healthy and to enjoy healthy, loving relationships.


Loving others well begins with understanding and accepting God’s love for you and understanding that you are a precious child of God!


As He promises to bring health and healing to Jerusalem (Jeremiah 33:6), He wants you to be complete in Him and to fulfill His plan and purpose for you.


He will heal His people and they will enjoy abundant peace and security!


Are you going to accept God’s best for you in the new year?

January 9, 2023

January 9, 2023

What are your hopes for 2023? 


It may sound strange, but my hope in this new year is that there will be widespread recognition of the Biblical truth that we have all been born into a spiritually broken world; each of us born with a spiritually flawed nature and that many will accept Jesus’ standing offer for a transformation that He will freely provide to those who ask. My hope is the basis for my vocational choice of ministry as a Christian life coach and includes an emphasis on promoting genuine transformation.


One of my goals centers on helping clients re-write their stories – like I have been re-writing mine – and, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, helping them to become the people that God made them to be.


My personal goal for 2023 is more perfectly stated in the words of the 1896 hymn by Frances Brook, “My goal is God Himself, not joy, nor peace, nor even blessing, but Himself, my God.”


Only God, only Jesus, is faithful. As Charles Stanley observes, “His commitment to you is lasting…His friendship never changes.” Jesus is Immanuel, God with us, to all those who believe and receive Him. He is always with us, a shoulder to lean on, our faithful companion and friend!


The challenges we’ve all experienced over the last few years have caused many of us to evaluate where we stand with God and to draw closer to Him. Many desire the transformation that only a relationship with Him can provide!


What are your hopes and goals for 2023? Are you ready for a transformation? 

January 2, 2023

January 2, 2023

New Year’s Eve fireworks made me think about Christ’s lighting up the darkness and the importance for each of us to share in helping the glorious Light of Christ to shine on this dark world. 


This past week, I celebrated my 57th birthday. It sounds old to me because I feel as though I’ve been on a long and tumultuous journey thus far. I have made more than my share of mistakes, but they have led me to a place where I can share my experiences while helping others to share the joy in the Lord’s healing and unfailing Love.


God continues to reveal His plan for my life one day at a time. He puts the pieces together in His way and time, exchanging ashes for beauty and making me into the woman He intended me to be. He wants to do the same for you! 


Together, we can add to a reflection that will help to brighten His light and reduce the darkness in this world!


We won’t be complete ‘til we are at Home with Him, but each year brings us closer!


Here’s to the brightening of His light in the year ahead!

January 3, 2022

January 3, 2022

God is seeking our transformation!

God wants us to view ourselves the way He views us – as “chosen and precious” (1 Peter 2:4)!

Our belief in Christ and acceptance of His love for us in His sacrifice on the cross leads to transformation by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2).

Coaching promotes transformation one person at a time as we invest ourselves in helping others in their renewal.

Are you seeking the renewal of your mind through the absorption of God’s word?

How can you begin contributing to God’s desire to transform the world this year?