Laura's LifePath Coaching

August 14, 2023

August 14, 2023

Has your faith grown enough that you can let go of your burdens and rest in Him?


Our efforts to do God’s will and bring Him glory often become a struggle that ends in disappointment and, over time, lead us to a sense of hopelessness.


Andrew Murray, a pre-eminent author and pastor, emphasizing that God, the Almighty, works all, concludes that He is the only source of power. He writes, “Entering the rest of God is the ceasing from self-effort, and the yielding up of oneself in the full surrender of faith to God’s working.” 


Scripture confirms that Jesus wants to bring us into union with Himself and to a place of rest and love. Isn’t this reassuring? 


Have you been able to give your problems, pressures and difficulties to Him? Can you trust Him to take up your burdens and struggling and enter His rest?

August 7, 2023

August 7, 2023

Are you aware that God’s love not only has the power to change lives, but that it can be completely transformational?


A primary focus of my coaching is sharing with my clients our ability to tap into God’s love which allows an experience of healing and change.


In the embrace of God’s love, shame and guilt melt away and usher in purpose and hope.


Can you use some change in your life? Any need for God’s healing touch?

July 31, 2023

July 31, 2023

Have you heard the phrase, “We identify with Jesus in our suffering”?


I remind myself of this truth often. While I realize that my own suffering could never hold a candle to the suffering that Jesus endured, it helps to remind me of all that he went through. His suffering had a great purpose. Our suffering has a purpose as well.


I have come to see my suffering as an opportunity to demonstrate my faith and trust in the Lord. Author Chris Tiegreen writes, “We give out of our own experiences”.  He makes the point that our past equips us to serve others going through similar experiences. He adds that even though we may not have navigated our traumas well the first time around, we learned something from them and can relate to those in need. “Many have turned their traumas into ministries over time.”


My personal experience with God’s healing of my wounded heart is a gift that gives me great joy to share with others in need of His healing touch. I see it as a cornerstone of my ministry and a recognition of God’s grace encouraging me to pay it forward!


I pray for connection to those who need a path toward God’s healing of their wounded heart.  If that person is you or someone close to you, send me a message so that we can find a time to talk!

July 24, 2023

July 24, 2023

Have you ever been a “fool for love”? I have!


We naturally tend to look to another person to give and receive the love that we all desire.


We unknowingly set ourselves up for disappointment with our expectation for security, only to find out that it isn’t really there.


A loving relationship has wonderful potential, but we usually learn, over time, that  human relationships are conditional and imperfect.


No human relationship can fulfill our underlying need for love that only our heavenly Father can provide.


As we learn to seek and to trust in His love, we can experience a perfect love that never disappoints. We learn of love from the one true source.


The security that we expect in a loving relationship can only be found in His loving arms.


Are you aware of, and learning to embrace, His great love for you?

July 17, 2023

July 17, 2023

How much of your thought life is spent on your worries?


Chances are that worry is a beast that you’ve been battling for years. When you reflect on it, it’s usually apparent that worrying is basically a losing battle. 


An important aspect of my coaching practice is working with clients on their thought processing. We work on “re-framing”, learning to think differently. The idea is to replace hurtful, self-defeating behavior for that which is positive.


The picture and verse that I selected for this post speak directly to the path for productive and positive thinking that can remove worrying from its dominant position in your thoughts.


As you become focused on redirecting your thought life to Christ, you will experience a transformation and renewal of your mind that will allow your worries to fade and to be replaced with His peace. (Romans 12:2) 


You may need to check your Bible for more detail on God’s perspective for that thought.  


Not only do you take your negative thoughts captive, but you take your mind and heart captive, too.  In order to know His perspective and the truth, you need to rely on the mind of Christ at work in you.


Are you ready to re-frame?

July 10, 2023

July 10, 2023

I would love to meet you! Hopefully, one day that will happen. In the meantime, I would like to share a few of my personal likes and thoughts so you’ll know me a little better:


  1. I love exploring the Maine coast!
  2. I love photography. Landscape photography is a special passion of mine.
  3. I like having plants all around the house, especially when they are in pots with lobsters on them!
  4. I enjoy reading at the beach when it’s foggy and no one’s around. This book, “Surrender to Love” by David G. Benner, is excellent!
  5. I have a belief that God has used various trials in my life as a workshop for the development of particular skills, coupled with a sprinkle of wisdom, to be used for helping others to experience positive outcomes from their own trials.


I’d like to get to know you better, too. What is a personal like or belief of yours that you are willing to share? Book a half-hour complimentary Discovery Call with me and let’s talk!

July 3, 2023

July 3, 2023

Do feelings of weakness ever make you wish you could become stronger?


Did you know that the Holy Spirit sees weakness as an opportunity to partner with you and provide the strength and power that you need to overcome that weakness? 


Weakness can unexpectedly overtake you if you are trying to convince yourself that you have the strength on your own to face and conquer a serious challenge. A lack of understanding about the true source of strength and power is a common problem that leads to probable failure in overcoming a challenge. Where strength and power come from is key to acquiring it for yourself. 


The mightiest of the great men whom God used for His purposes were actually weak and in need of empowerment. Recognizing their weakness and seeking help from God became their strength.


Can you trust in God’s power and strength to overcome whatever weakness may lead to a failure to overcome a challenge?

June 26, 2023

June 26, 2023

Equating your life to a card game, what kind of a hand have you been dealt?


If you think you’re a victim of having been dealt a poor hand, a new mindset will help you to move forward, achieve goals and experience some peace.


1 Corinthians 2:16 speaks to having the “mind of Christ”. Now that is a mindset to have!


Coaching can help you toward acquiring that mindset that will guide you toward achieving a new quality of life, helpful goals and peace of mind. 


Could you benefit from talking with a coach about the cards you were dealt, your mindset, and your next move?

June 19, 2023

June 19, 2023

The word “let” tells us that something is required of us to experience His peace. Scripture tells us that what is required is belief. In Greek, the language of early Bible manuscripts, “belief” is defined as placing absolute confidence and trust in. Without that confidence and trust, Christ, and His peace, elude us.


Belief, (trust and faith), in Christ opens the door for union with Him and the gift of His peace. You can experience calm and the comfort of remaining untroubled despite the storms and trials which frequent all of our lives. 


The peace of Christ is a gift as well as a promise of God to all who trust in Him.


Will you take hold of it?

June 12, 2023

June 12, 2023

The farmer needs a guide to help him direct his plow in a straight path. He fixes his gaze on an object in the distance, like a tree or a post, to help him stay on a straight path. If he turns to look behind him while he plows, his plow will veer off course and his furrows will become crooked.


Like the farmer, Paul admonished the church that a straight path forward requires that we avoid looking behind us and focus on the things that are ahead. As we keep our focus ahead, depending on the Lord as our guide, our path will produce great things that He has in store for us, both in this life and in our home with Him in heaven, the prize of everlasting glory!


Are you avoiding the temptation of concentrating on what’s behind you and working to keep your focus on the high calling ahead of you?