Laura's LifePath Coaching

October 24, 2022

October 24, 2022

Are you feeling weary?


Maybe you are being challenged by a relationship with conflicts that are weighing you down. 


Do you sometimes wonder why God does not seem to be helping you with your burdens?


Are you confused about why He allows your strife to continue?


Consider the truth in these words written by the late pastor Albert B. Simpson:


“He has let that trouble come to you, beloved, just for an opportunity to get you out of it, that it may be a stepping stone to Himself”.  


Could it be that the challenges that you are experiencing are being used by the Lord Jesus to call you closer to Him?


Are you ready to accept His offer of rest?

October 10, 2022

October 10, 2022

God uses our pain for His good purposes. He is with us in our pain, even though we may not feel Him. If we let Him, His love will bring us through the pain and heal our wounds like nothing else can. 


In her book “True You”, Susan Sohn states, “It is our mess, pain and ugly that God uses to create the most incredible beauty in our lives. Could our pain be the broth that nourishes our souls?”


As a life coach, my desire is for my clients to experience God’s amazing love for them and to help them find His purpose in their suffering. This usually leads to an ability to praise Him with an understanding that their pain has been a necessary part of His plan for them. 


Have you considered that God has a purpose in your pain? Want to find out more about it?

October 3, 2022

October 3, 2022

When you are feeling overwhelmed by the circumstances of your life, where do you turn?


Edward Dennett, an influential writer in the nineteenth century, wrote this:  “The difficulties that appear as mountains, looming through the mists of our unbelief, are nothing to Him but the occasion for the display of His omnipotent power.”


One of the benefits of having a coach is the opportunity to process the coach’s questions that are designed to bring insight and a path forward toward the resolution of many of life’s problems.


Among a number of important questions to consider is whether you are trying to solve problems in your own way and strength, as opposed to considering whether God has a unique approach in mind that will not only work, but will let Him display His power and personal concern for improving your circumstances.

September 26, 2022

September 26, 2022

Honesty is an all important value for success in coaching. 


Helping clients gain greater insight and clarity requires absolute honesty.


As with counseling, coaching will only work when clients are willing to be honest about the situation at hand.


I expect my clients to be honest with me, and it’s equally important that they be honest with themselves.


The #1 enemy of honesty in our relationships is denial. If a client is in denial about any aspect of the issue we are working on, then progress will not be made. 


If you value honesty as I do, and you are ready to move forward, then you are ready for coaching!

September 12, 2022

September 12, 2022

Let’s not ever forget September 11, 2001.


It is an especially good time to reflect on our need for God’s presence and help:


“The light of God surrounds me;

The love of God enfolds me;

The power of God protects me;

The presence of God watches over me.

Wherever I am, God is.”


Are you seeking God’s power and presence today?

September 5, 2022

September 5, 2022

Are you experiencing the presence of God as you deal with the problems and decisions that you face day after day?


Jesus promised His disciples that He would be with them always. (Matthew 28:20)


He wants you to recognize and depend on His presence and protection also. It is simply a matter of choosing to turn towards Him, offering our problems to Him and praying for Him to protect our minds.


When we are in His Presence, problems tend to disappear. The ones that remain take a backseat to the all-encompassing light that He brings and the comfort of knowing Him.


If we are focused on His Presence with us, we can’t help but to rejoice!


Are you accepting the offer of His Presence?

August 22, 2022

August 22, 2022

I like this quote by Christian author Watchman Nee: “You advance spiritually by finding out what you really are (in Christ), not by trying to become what you hope to be. That goal you will never reach, however earnestly you may strive.”


He says that the only way to experience spiritual growth is for us to discover the truth as God sees it; the truth concerning Christ and the truth concerning ourselves in Christ. It doesn’t come from wanting it or working for it. We need to see (understand) that our spiritual growth becomes possible solely because of our position as a ‘new creature’ in Christ!


Are you growing spiritually? As your coach, I can help you on this journey.

August 15, 2022

August 15, 2022

God gives us the formula and know how to experience peace in the midst of conflict. 


He also provides direction that assures the best solution when there’s struggle and division in a relationship.


He has the power to bind people together and bring peace when they put their faith in Him. 


More on Peace from Charles Stanley:


“The Greek word for peace means to ‘bind together’ something that has been broken or disjointed. This is a superb illustration for how alienation between men and women – so often causing emptiness and disconnection from each other and God – can find a way toward unity and wholeness. God’s peace becomes available when they are united in their faith with God. This Greek word also refers to a prevailing sense of quietness and rest in a person’s heart and emotions…peace becoming synonymous with  tranquility, serenity,  and calm.” 


Do you have an interest in learning more about how you can have peace in your relationships and your life? I have some tips!

August 8, 2022

August 8, 2022

Is there turmoil in your life? Perhaps a relationship that is causing pain and anguish? 


Would you like to experience real peace and contentment even when storms may be raging around you?


It is possible!


Consider Charles Stanley’s scripture-based take on peace below:

“God’s peace is not an escape from reality. We are not transfixed or somehow mentally ‘removed’ from feeling pain or struggling…Rather, peace is an undergirding rock-solid foundation so that no matter the tears we cry or the sorrow we feel, deep down inside we know with an abiding assurance that God is with us. God is in control, and the joy of the Lord is going to emerge far greater than any depth of agony we may be experiencing.”


Would you like to experience this kind of peace? I can give you some pointers to help you find it. 


(More on peace next week.)

July 25, 2022

July 25, 2022

I love sea glass! 

It reflects light so beautifully.

It is a challenge, but ultimately rewarding, when you find those colorful pieces among the rocks and pebbles.

Their once jagged edges have been smoothed to perfection. 

However, some of those pieces are better thrown back into the ocean for more polishing.

This is similar to the work the Lord does in shaping His children into His image as we focus our faith on Him.

He takes our brokenness and makes it beautiful as He smooths out our rough edges.

We will be perfect one day when we are with Him, but for now, we can become beautifully broken, and, most importantly, able to reflect His light and beauty to the world.  

Are you letting the Lord polish your rough edges?