Laura's LifePath Coaching

June 5, 2023

June 5, 2023

Have you thought about the fact that prayer is an amazing privilege? In prayer, we have access to God, which brings us into a personal fellowship with our Creator! This privilege includes untold blessings for ourselves, our families, friends, church, and country. Our prayers bring a blessing to God as well!


Pride can often be a stumbling block to effective prayer. None of us know how to pray as we should. We need to accept the fact of our dependence on Him and ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for us when we pray. (Romans 8:26)


My hope is for your encouragement in believing God’s promise that He hears your prayers and that He will answer. Admitting our helplessness brings Him close.


To quote Ole Hallesby, a Norwegian theologian and noted author on the subject, “By prayer, we couple the powers of heaven to our helplessness, the powers which can capture strongholds and make the impossible possible.”


Are you feeling helpless? Your Father is waiting to hear your heart!

May 29, 2023

May 29, 2023

On a trip to Washington D.C., I took this picture shortly after a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. 


In the midst of a quiet time, the picture struck me as a unique visual accompaniment to my reflections on the sacrifice that so many made on our behalf to ensure the freedom that we tend to take for granted as a natural right.


My reflections also led me to a quote by General George S. Patton: “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God such men lived.”


How much more should these sacrifices remind us of the gift that God provides to all who are willing to recognize Jesus’ willingness to give up His life for us and the opportunity that we have to accept His invitation to enjoy true freedom and eternal life with Him? 

May 22, 2023

May 22, 2023

Finding seaglass and putting it on display are a joy to me. It reflects the light so beautifully!


It’s also a reminder that there is a purpose in brokenness. In turn, I also see it as a reminder that God uses broken people and broken things for His purposes.


Just as the action of the ocean waves smooth and polish the sharp, broken pieces of glass, our Heavenly Father gradually smooths our jagged and broken edges. He removes the brokenness and changes us into an appealing reflection of His light.


An important aspect of coming to God in repentance is our acceptance of the fact of our brokenness, opening ourselves up to receive Him and experiencing His desire to fashion us into reflectors of His love and handiwork.


Are you up for letting God perform a makeover of your brokenness into a thing of beauty and reflection of His light?

May 15, 2023

May 15, 2023

I must admit that thoughts of gratitude seldom come to mind on Monday mornings.  I’m usually too occupied with my To Do list and thoughts of my current problems. 


Several years ago, I started using a gratitude journal published by my former coach. I made it a daily practice to record three things that I was thankful for. Whatever my circumstances were at the time, highlighting my awareness of all that I had to be thankful for brought a welcome lift of my spirit.


Last week, while listening to a talk about morning routines, the Lord nudged my recollection of a closer walk with Him on those days that began with recording my thankfulness. He refocused me on the blessings of this great way to begin the day! 


Paul emphasizes the importance of learning to be content and grateful, regardless of our circumstances (Philippians 4:11-13). Everything we have comes from Him. He allows the good, as well as the bad, in our lives. We may not understand it at the present time, but He uses the bad to bring the good in our lives.


Putting our trust in the Lord always leads us to a closer relationship with Him and more to be grateful for.  


Are you up for including gratitude as an important focus for your mindset to begin and/or end your day?

May 8, 2023

May 8, 2023

Among the more important roles in my work as a coach is that of being an encourager. 

I like to begin the week with an emphasis on encouragement, and, to me, there is nothing more encouraging than God’s Word. The Bible is a rich source of wisdom and power regardless of the circumstances.

We can rest assured in the knowledge that no matter what was done or said yesterday, God will be with us today, and every day, in a brand new relationship.


We have His mercies and compassion anew when we wake up each morning! 

Does this give you any encouragement?

May 1, 2023

May 1, 2023

Trust is a major key to a healthy relationship. 


Dancing partners can only portray a pleasing harmony if one partner leads and the other follows. If both partners are leading, the dance becomes awkward and confusing. The follower needs to be receptive and responsive.


God is our leading partner. He is always leading the dance and always leading in our life.


Are you following and trusting God enough to keep Him in the lead?

April 24, 2023

April 24, 2023

I am choosing to begin this Monday and this week by focusing on praise and thankfulness! 


It is so freeing to know that it is not our righteousness that saves us, but God’s alone! Our inclination to work toward acceptance is misplaced – only He can make us acceptable. His gifts for believers include seeing us as righteous. This occurs only when we willingly let go of our dirty rags in exchange for His beautiful garments of salvation. That includes a robe of righteousness!


When you surrender yourself, you’ll be able to comprehend how valuable you are in God’s sight and you will understand why you should never be treated as anything less than a daughter of the true King of the universe. 


Have you surrendered your rags?

April 17, 2023

April 17, 2023

This is a favorite quote from a YouVersion plan by Noel Yeatts, “Rescued To Rescue”. The theme of Yeatt’s plan is that God rescues us so that we can rescue others. She writes, “As people who have been rescued and set free, how much more should we long to rescue and restore those in desperate need around us?”


Yeatts reminds us that if we have been set free by our acceptance of the sacrifice that Jesus suffered on the cross, and have experienced the freedom that He promises, that we need to be mindful that He wants us to pass on the good news about this gift to others around us who are hurting.


In addition to true freedom, Jesus provides a heart desire to be used as an instrument in His hands to point others to Him as the Rescuer and to pass on our own story of the acceptance of His gifts to help and encourage others to share real freedom and transformation.


Are you in need of hope today? Let me point you to the God who rescues.

April 10, 2023

April 10, 2023

This picture is from an Easter service that I attended with my son. It was special, not only because it was Easter, but because it was in the church that I attended growing up. I enjoy going to services there when we are in Maryland visiting my parents and family. 


I was touched by this trio of young men playing their instruments, singing, and praising the Lord. One reason it was so inspiring is that my son plays the trumpet, and I was glad for him to see these talented young men providing such a wonderful example to him. He whispered to me during one of the songs that the trumpet player was “really good”! 


It’s difficult to watch my son struggling with his faith and even turning away from the Lord at times. There is nothing I want more for him than to know how much God loves him and how wonderful and freeing it is to accept that love and follow Him. 


As I watched these boys play their instruments and listened to their music, I felt hope and peace. The words rang true. My help comes from Him. He gives me peace in the storm.


Is the Lord calling you to encourage a person, or to place a particular situation, into His hands? He wants you to be at peace, especially in the storms. Can you trust Him?

March 27, 2023

March 27, 2023

If you have read any of my previous “Thought of The Week” posts, then you know that I love to share truth and encouragement from God’s Word. I see the Bible as one of my primary reference tools in working one on one with clients, coaching them through problems and helping them reach their goals. Although helping women who have experienced trauma is something of a specialty for me, a universal goal for every client is growth in the client’s relationship with Christ. This includes partnering between myself, the client and the Holy Spirit. 


In his popular devotional, “My Utmost For His Highest”, Oswald Chambers writes: “My goal is God himself, not joy nor peace, nor even blessing, but Himself, my God.”


One of the apostle Paul’s several confirmations of this goal, and secret to success, is seen in his prayer for the Ephesians, Chapter 1, verses 17-23. Verse 17 reads: “…that the God of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him…”. It is Jesus Christ who invites us into an intimate relationship with Him that is life-changing, and it is our personal relationship with God that enables us to be successful.


Are you interested in knowing God more intimately?


If you would like to talk about your goals, and grow in your relationship with God, send me a message or schedule a time to talk about a coaching relationship and whether I would be a good fit for you. I would love to help you on your journey!