Laura's LifePath Coaching

July 24, 2023

July 24, 2023

Have you ever been a “fool for love”? I have!


We naturally tend to look to another person to give and receive the love that we all desire.


We unknowingly set ourselves up for disappointment with our expectation for security, only to find out that it isn’t really there.


A loving relationship has wonderful potential, but we usually learn, over time, that  human relationships are conditional and imperfect.


No human relationship can fulfill our underlying need for love that only our heavenly Father can provide.


As we learn to seek and to trust in His love, we can experience a perfect love that never disappoints. We learn of love from the one true source.


The security that we expect in a loving relationship can only be found in His loving arms.


Are you aware of, and learning to embrace, His great love for you?

May 1, 2023

May 1, 2023

Trust is a major key to a healthy relationship. 


Dancing partners can only portray a pleasing harmony if one partner leads and the other follows. If both partners are leading, the dance becomes awkward and confusing. The follower needs to be receptive and responsive.


God is our leading partner. He is always leading the dance and always leading in our life.


Are you following and trusting God enough to keep Him in the lead?

April 3, 2023

April 3, 2023

Easter, what a day to celebrate – “Resurrection Day!”


Is any event more worthy of celebration? Is there any person more worthy of celebrating than Jesus?


Jesus’s death and resurrection fulfills God’s promise that death, our naturally inherited separation from Him, will be removed for those of us who are willing to believe, and trust, that what He suffered in our place would provide all that a believer needs to enjoy a permanent place in God’s kingdom!  


Death does not have the last word! Jesus swallowed up death in victory! 


He was willing to go into the grave to lead us out of it.


Is there any love so relentless as His?

March 20, 2023

March 20, 2023

What does it mean to be “whole”? 


First and foremost, becoming whole is a work of God. From God’s perspective, being whole is being complete in Him. In the words of Charles Stanley, it means “to know with deep assurance that we are beloved by God with an everlasting, infinite, and unconditional love.” 


Becoming whole is a journey that begins when we are rescued from ourselves – when we trust Jesus’s promise of salvation and invite Him into our hearts. 


Stanley adds: “You are never required by God to live with guilt, shame, or regret. Accept that your past mistakes may have put you into the situation you are in, but quickly acknowledge the greater truth that your past mistakes – now forgiven by God – do not need to impact the decisions or choices you will make in the future.”  


When we are whole, we are sound in spirit, mind, and emotions. We can stand up to the enemy of our souls no matter what he throws at us. Becoming whole is a journey of learning and healing that continues until we are finally in our eternal home. Only a personal relationship with Jesus puts us on a path toward becoming whole! 


Are you on this journey? Have you reached out to touch the hem of His garment?

February 20, 2023

February 20, 2023

This is my prayer. Every morning. Every day.

His unfailing Love is my Life Path.

He is my Guide and I trust in Him.

No matter what today’s obstacles may be, following His lead always keeps me on the right path. 

“Ask and it will be given to you; . . .” (Matthew 7:7).

What do you pray for?

February 13, 2023

February 13, 2023

On Valentine’s Day we give top billing to our natural desire for love.


If it was not for Christ’s unsurpassable love for each of us, we could search for a lifetime without quenching this deep desire that God placed inside of us. 


Valentine’s Day provides a nice emphasis on love but falls short of the truth that there is no substitute for our Father’s Agape love. Not anywhere. It’s simply beyond our comprehension to know and understand how deeply and completely He loves us. 


It’s not uncommon for many of us to think that we’re not worthy of His love. We need to remember that Jesus came to save the sinners, not the righteous. To quote a favorite author, Hannah Whitall Smith, “Your very sinfulness and unworthiness is your chief claim upon His love and His care.”


Each one of us is called to accept that we are so special and precious to Him that, just as He left the flock of 99 sheep to find the one who was lost, He will seek you out to be rescued. 


We each need to experience the truth that John writes about in 1 John 4:16: “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us.”  


On Valentine’s Day, and every day, Jesus is the lover of our soul! 


God is with you. He takes great delight in you, quiets you with His love and rejoices over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). You are that precious to Him! Our Father loves you as much as He loves His own son, Jesus! (John 17:23)


Are you looking for true love? Have you accepted God’s offer of His love through a personal and loving relationship with Jesus? Want to talk about it?

October 10, 2022

October 10, 2022

God uses our pain for His good purposes. He is with us in our pain, even though we may not feel Him. If we let Him, His love will bring us through the pain and heal our wounds like nothing else can. 


In her book “True You”, Susan Sohn states, “It is our mess, pain and ugly that God uses to create the most incredible beauty in our lives. Could our pain be the broth that nourishes our souls?”


As a life coach, my desire is for my clients to experience God’s amazing love for them and to help them find His purpose in their suffering. This usually leads to an ability to praise Him with an understanding that their pain has been a necessary part of His plan for them. 


Have you considered that God has a purpose in your pain? Want to find out more about it?

May 2, 2022

May 2, 2022

Looking to Jesus’ sacrificial love, we see what true love looks like. 


If we desire to have fulfilling, meaningful relationships with others, then we need look no further than His demonstration to us.


True love has a cost.  Jesus chose to love us regardless of the great cost of our sin.


“This is how we know what love is:  Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”

(1 John 3:16)


Are you willing to take on the sacrificial mindset of Christ in expressing your love for others?

April 25, 2022

April 25, 2022

To end this week, I am going to share another picture from the Easter service that I attended with my son. It was a special service, not only because it was Easter, but because it was in the church that I attended growing up. I always enjoy services there when we are in Maryland visiting my parents and family.


I was touched by this trio of young men playing their instruments, singing and praising the Lord. One reason it was so inspiring is because my son plays the trumpet, and I was so glad for him to see these talented young men providing such a wonderful example to him. He whispered to me during one of the songs that the trumpet player was “really good”!


It’s difficult to watch my son struggling with his faith and appearing to turn away from the Lord at times. There is nothing I want more for him than to know how much God loves him and how wonderful and freeing it is to accept that love and follow Him.


As I watched these boys play their instruments and listened to their music, I felt great hope and peace. The words rang true. My help comes from Him. He gives me peace in the storm.


Is there a person or situation in your life that the Lord is calling you to place into His hands? He desires for you to be at peace, even in the storms. Can you trust Him?

April 18, 2022

April 18, 2022

Such a wonderful way to begin the week, reflecting on the message of Easter!


As we heard in church yesterday, the promise of Easter is not just that death was defeated once, but that death has been defeated for all time! Nothing in this life can destroy those of us who put our trust in the Lord for what He did for us on the cross.


Death does not have the last word! Jesus swallowed up death in victory!


He was willing to suffer agonizing pain and go into the grave to lead us out of it.


Is there any love so relentless as His?