Laura's LifePath Coaching

December 23, 2024

December 23, 2024

Why did Jesus come? Despite our rejection of God in the Garden of Eden, His love for us and desire for restoring a personal relationship led Him to provide a plan for our redemption and reconciliation.


Christmas Day marks the introduction of God’s plan to come to earth in human form to demonstrate that, even though we did nothing to deserve it, His love for us is so strong that He was willing to sacrifice His only true Son to restore a personal relationship with Him for any of us who are willing to accept His offer.  Jesus was, and is, Immanuel, “God with us”!


No matter how lonely you may feel, you are never alone if you have accepted God’s offer and have personally accepted Jesus to fulfill that restoration with God. If you have, you can be assured of His continual presence with you. (John 10:28). 


Immanuel is the God of Hope. If you are feeling lonely, invite Him in and ask Him to fill you with the joy and peace that only He can provide.


Have you accepted Immanuel, God’s Christmas gift of love?

October 14, 2024

October 14, 2024

Oceans of Love!


Focusing on the endless horizon where it meets the sea helps me to comprehend God’s unbounded love for me.


Many long and difficult years have brought me to a place of understanding His great love for me. Deep belief in His love, taking it in, being able to truly feel it, and breathing it back out, becomes a special blessing!


God desires that we learn to see ourselves, and each other, through that lens of His love – a love that is both unconditional and endless. A perfect love that only He can provide.


It’s God’s desire that we love Him back and that we give His unconditional love to others and experience it in return. 

Do you know how much the Lord loves you?

February 12, 2024

February 12, 2024

Valentine’s Day is about celebrating love. God’s love ranks number one!


I don’t know where I would be without the love of God. He has given me all that I have, including all that I need to serve: time, ability, skill, and resources.


It is His love that fuels my passion for coaching and for helping others. His unfathomable love and grace motivate me to want to share His love with others and to help them achieve their God-given goals.


Charles Stanley puts it beautifully. He writes, “God loves you. He loves you unconditionally, without limit or qualification, and He loves you personally and individually. Not only does He love you and desire to shower you with His love, but He desires to be loved by you. Furthermore, He desires that you love and be loved by other human beings. God is generous – even extravagant – in His love. He delights when you express His brand of unconditional love to others and when you experience that kind of love in return.” 


Are you enjoying God’s love?

February 5, 2024

February 5, 2024

If you asked me what motivates me to devote the time and effort to engage in life coaching, sharing God’s love with others has to rank as the number one reason! But, a natural follow up question might be: “what is truly unique about God’s love?”


The foundational Greek in scripture references a variety of the  types of love. God’s love is defined as agape love and stands apart from other forms of love such as tender affection and erotic love. 


Some of the qualities of God’s Agape love are: constant, free, sacrificial, ever-present, perfect, unfailing and unlimited. 


It was this love that caused God to send His son into the world (John 3:16) to suffer on our behalf to rescue us from our sinful state and bring us back to Him. 


Because of His great love for us, Jesus desires an eternal and personal relationship with each of us.


When we accept His invitation, the relationship that He establishes with us includes His constant presence with us and a love with the power to redeem our failures and to transform us into His image.  


Are you trusting in Him and the power of His love? 

January 1, 2024

JanuarY 1, 2024

Here’s to your health in 2024!


God desires for His children to be healthy and to enjoy healthy, loving relationships.


Loving others well begins with understanding and accepting God’s love for you and understanding that you are a precious child of God!


As He promises to bring health and healing to Jerusalem (Jeremiah 33:6), He wants you to be complete in Him and to fulfill His plan and purpose for you.


He will heal His people and they will enjoy abundant peace and security!


Are you going to accept God’s best for you in the new year?

August 21, 2023

August 21, 2023

One of my passions as a coach is for helping clients to build and maintain healthy relationships.


I have concluded that the foundation for building healthy and lasting relationships begins with cementing our personal relationship with the Lord. From there we have the compass to guide us in the building, maintenance, and repair of our other relationships. The desire of my heart is to help women (and men) who are in unhealthy relationships, or are struggling to maintain an important relationship, navigate their way through to health, where that is possible, and freedom from any relationship that is determined to be beyond repair.


At the core of my coaching plan for every client is the underlying emphasis on personal spiritual growth that will help to deepen the client’s relationship and identity in Christ, which can enable the building of new and healthy relationships as well as lead to the healing of pain from past experiences. 


If you or someone you know could benefit from relationship coaching, I hope you will reach out to me to set up a complimentary Discovery call!

August 14, 2023

August 14, 2023

Has your faith grown enough that you can let go of your burdens and rest in Him?


Our efforts to do God’s will and bring Him glory often become a struggle that ends in disappointment and, over time, lead us to a sense of hopelessness.


Andrew Murray, a pre-eminent author and pastor, emphasizing that God, the Almighty, works all, concludes that He is the only source of power. He writes, “Entering the rest of God is the ceasing from self-effort, and the yielding up of oneself in the full surrender of faith to God’s working.” 


Scripture confirms that Jesus wants to bring us into union with Himself and to a place of rest and love. Isn’t this reassuring? 


Have you been able to give your problems, pressures and difficulties to Him? Can you trust Him to take up your burdens and struggling and enter His rest?

August 7, 2023

August 7, 2023

Are you aware that God’s love not only has the power to change lives, but that it can be completely transformational?


A primary focus of my coaching is sharing with my clients our ability to tap into God’s love which allows an experience of healing and change.


In the embrace of God’s love, shame and guilt melt away and usher in purpose and hope.


Can you use some change in your life? Any need for God’s healing touch?

July 24, 2023

July 24, 2023

Have you ever been a “fool for love”? I have!


We naturally tend to look to another person to give and receive the love that we all desire.


We unknowingly set ourselves up for disappointment with our expectation for security, only to find out that it isn’t really there.


A loving relationship has wonderful potential, but we usually learn, over time, that  human relationships are conditional and imperfect.


No human relationship can fulfill our underlying need for love that only our heavenly Father can provide.


As we learn to seek and to trust in His love, we can experience a perfect love that never disappoints. We learn of love from the one true source.


The security that we expect in a loving relationship can only be found in His loving arms.


Are you aware of, and learning to embrace, His great love for you?

May 1, 2023

May 1, 2023

Trust is a major key to a healthy relationship. 


Dancing partners can only portray a pleasing harmony if one partner leads and the other follows. If both partners are leading, the dance becomes awkward and confusing. The follower needs to be receptive and responsive.


God is our leading partner. He is always leading the dance and always leading in our life.


Are you following and trusting God enough to keep Him in the lead?