Laura's LifePath Coaching

February 21, 2022

February 21, 2022

Do you ever feel like your prayers aren’t reaching their destination? Like the Lord is a million miles away and couldn’t possibly be tuning in to your prayers and the cries of your heart?


I want to encourage you today – God is listening! He is nearer to you than you realize! Nearer to you than your own soul and your most secret thoughts! It is difficult for us to comprehend this fully, but we need to take this truth in and operate from this place of assurance that He hears you!


He is talking to you. Can you hear Him?

February 14, 2022

February 14, 2022

Happy Valentines Day!


Did you know that there is only one source of love?


Valentines Day should remind believers of God’s commandment to love others as we love Him. Did you know that God commands us to love ourselves, too? (Galatians 5:14, Matthew 19:19, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:31)


Before we can love others with a love that is true, we need to understand our Father’s Agape love for us and we need to love ourselves.


As devotional author Chris Tiegreen puts it, “Before we ever know how to love, we have to know how to BE loved”.


For many of us, it can be very difficult to love ourselves, especially if we are filled with shame and guilt over past mistakes and failures.


As we come to love ourselves by realizing that we are a child of God, created to be in a relationship with Him, we find it easier to love others.  

When you understand the love that God has for you and that you did nothing to deserve that love, you will be more likely to love others, even when they may not deserve it. Loving others begins with understanding and accepting God’s love for you.


Are you inspired to demonstrate His love to others?

February 7, 2022

February 7, 2022

There are many verses about Truth in the Bible.

The most important of these, I believe, are John 14:6, where Jesus refers to himself as “the Truth” and John 8:32, in which Jesus declares that “the Truth will set you free”.

I chose the pictured verse from Psalms to highlight because of its relevance to the coach/client relationship.

It makes clear that if we want to hear from the Lord and receive His help, then we must take an active role in the process.

He desires to be near to us and to have us call on Him for help, but we must do it in the spirit of truth; wanting to know His Truth, as well as being truthful with ourselves.

January 31, 2022

January 31, 2022

God is the ultimate source of our hope.

When we put our trust in Him, the Holy Spirit inside of us fills us with peace and joy.

The hope He gives empowers us to move forward, find our purpose and please Him.

I couldn’t be an effective coach without hope.

I share in my clients’ hope for changes that they recognize as important to find their purpose, to move forward and to reach their goals.

What or who are you putting your hope in?

January 24, 2022

January 24, 2022

In order to deepen our faith, we need to exercise it!


It is only by faith that we can acknowledge and accept that our Father has allowed everything that is happening in our world, including all of the circumstances in our lives and all that has ever happened to us. He allows all of it for His good purposes, as well as for our own.


Our acknowledgement of this truth, even though we frequently can’t understand His purpose, exercises, deepens and strengthens our faith. 


Without faith, it is impossible to have a relationship with God. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him.


God’s Word says that we will be rewarded for our faith! A major part of the reward is true contentment, even in the unstable world in which we live.


Faith enables us to be in a trusting relationship with God despite our troubles and the power of faith can even move mountains (Mark 11:23).


I love this quote by W. Graham Scroggie, “Sight is worldly wisdom, but faith is heavenly wisdom”.


We need to live by faith, not by sight!


How is your faith these days? Do you have faith in God despite all the craziness in the world?

January 17, 2022

January 17, 2022

Are you eager to know the way to go?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know exactly where you are heading?

Whether we are a coach or being coached, if we are open to His instruction and engaged with a teachable spirit, He will show us the way to go – day by day.

Do you have a teachable spirit?

January 10, 2022

January 10, 2022

These verses from Corinthians perfectly portray my heart’s cry and capture what I believe God created me to do.

For many years, I have had a great desire to help others, and I have done this in my professional as well as my personal life.

God allowed me to go through the majority of my 56 years of life dealing with the hardships that come from being in unhealthy relationships.

I believe that He allowed the trials in my life not only to refine me, but also so that I would be used by Him through my own healing to support, comfort and encourage others while showing them the love of Christ.

The coaching relationship offers an ideal way for me to fulfill my calling while helping my clients to reach their own goals.

December 27, 2021

DECEMBER 27, 2021

Here’s to health in 2022!


God desires for His children to be healthy and to enjoy healthy, loving relationships.

Loving others well begins with understanding and accepting God’s love for you.

You are a precious child of God!

As He promises to bring health and healing to Jerusalem (Jeremiah 33:6), He wants you to be complete in Him and able to fulfill His plan and purpose.

He will heal His people and they will enjoy abundant peace and security!

Are you going to accept God’s best for you in the new year?

December 20, 2021

DECEMBER 20, 2021

Merry Christmas!


I love the comforting thought of God always being with me.


Charles Stanley comments that “Because of the indwelling Christ, believers are never separated from His permanent presence. We are in Christ and He is in us. What an encouragement! What a comfort! What an assurance! We always have a shoulder to lean on – the broad shoulders of Immanuel. We always have someone to listen to our heartache – our constant Companion and Friend, Jesus.”


Isn’t this a wonderful gift?!

December 13, 2021

DECEMBER 13, 2021

What is the greatest gift you are giving this Christmas?

The greatest gift that our Father has ever given us is salvation in His son, Jesus.

If you have accepted His miraculous gift, then you can know for certain that you belong to Him.

You may feel alone, and even abandoned at times, but this is a deception.

That our Lord paid such a huge price for you demonstrates how valuable you are to Him.

You need to trust that He has good things in store for you, even when you cannot envision it.

Do you know how cherished you are? Do you know your worth?