Laura's LifePath Coaching

December 16, 2024

December 16, 2024

It’s time to start taking in the joy of the Christmas season – the joy of welcoming Jesus as our Savior!


Good news is a rare commodity these days! All the more reason to savor the fact of His birth, astoundingly good news of His coming in an attempt to rescue us from spiritual death, our separation from God, and to offer us a free gift of abundant life with Him here on earth and, even more importantly, with Him in eternity.


What a gift! An opportunity to enjoy an intimate and eternal relationship with the Creator of the world! But, as with any gift, it doesn’t become ours unless and until we accept it. Scripture tells us that acceptance of God’s gift requires that we are willing to confess to having sinful tendencies and are willing to turn it all over to Jesus and trust Him for a complete makeover. Amazingly, in return, He promises an immediate, as well as eternal, intimate and joyful relationship and walk with Him! (Acts 2:28)


What a perfect time, despite the hardships and sorrow that exist in our world, to celebrate our access to joy right here and now!


Could there be a greater gift than this?

November 18, 2024

November 18, 2024

Would you ever have thought that Monday mornings are a good time to rejoice?


God’s Word tells us that all day and every day are good times to rejoice!


This may be one of the shortest verses in the Bible, but it’s a powerful message!


The key is that we have to choose to rejoice! Not always easy, especially when you are feeling down.


We need to remind ourselves about reasons that we have for rejoicing!


In addition to the Lord’s daily provision for our needs, relationships are one of the top reasons for rejoicing.


Our relationship with the Lord, and our relationships with each other, can provide great sources for joy.


How about a post-it note, or some other reminder, that God wants to hear you rejoicing about something every day?

June 10, 2024

June 10, 2024

Over the past couple of months, I’ve shared thoughts and verses about peace, contentment and satisfaction amidst our trials and tribulations. Today is about joy.


This is a subject that has presented a challenge for me in the past, and still does. Patterns of negative thinking can easily creep in when we’re not looking.


God is the only source of true joy! He provides joy with His assurance that He will never leave us. As believers, we can always experience joy in our assurance of both His love and His presence with us.


If you are a believer in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for you personally, then you can experience  joy regardless of your circumstances.


Additionally, God’s promise that He will never leave us (Deuteronomy 31:8) and that He will always be with us (Psalm 73:23) are reasons for perpetual joy!


God’s Word is also a sure source of joy and a delight to our heart! (Jeremiah 15:16) His Word brings joy because we have a God who loves us enough to  speak directly to us. No matter whether we find words of praise or correction, this knowledge alone is ample reason for joy.


We can also find joy in our daily provisions, in our relationships with others and in knowing His faithfulness to us. 


When you think about it, is there really a good reason that you should not be joyful today?

March 25, 2024

March 25, 2024

Happy Monday!


Have you been knocked down by the flu or Covid? My son and I both had a bad flu this winter.


It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re not able to be productive, read, write, or even keep up on normal, everyday tasks like the dishes and laundry. Everything seems overwhelming!


Feeling down and discouraged highlights recognizing my need to trust the Lord in His assurance that He will see me through. It emphasizes the fact that depending on the Lord to keep my mind set on His strength is crucial. In His strength I can choose JOY! It’s a great way to fight the enemy and win.


When we’re in the trenches, we need to refuse to give in to discouragement and despair and instead, focus on the Lord and all of the reasons He provides for us to be joyful! We can always trust God’s provisions and love for us even in our toughest moments.


Do you need to be lifted up out of the trenches?

January 22, 2024

January 22, 2024

Jesus answers His disciples question about what they should pray for in Luke 11:9, telling them “seek, and you will find”.


The verse quoted above in the picture provides the answer to the question of what each of us needs to focus on. Who, rather than what, is the key for our focus. 


Seeking the Lord’s presence includes admitting that we are needy, helpless even. This is difficult for most of us, but an essential step toward arriving at a place of trust and dependence on God.


No matter how difficult our circumstances, as we seek the Lord’s presence, He redirects our minds to things above. In the process, we glorify God as we focus on Him and His strength and ability to meet our needs.


Putting ourselves in His presence brings us peace, joy, and contentment, all of which leads to rejoicing! “In His presence there is fullness of joy!” (Psalm 16:11)


As we seek, He confirms His presence with us, guides us, and provides everything that we need for the situation at hand.


Have you tried seeking His presence recently?

December 18, 2023

December 18, 2023

When reading these verses, I can’t help being reminded of Linus in The Charlie Brown Christmas Special, reciting them on stage in the Christmas play. Reciting these words, he redirects his friends to the true meaning of the celebration of Christmas.


Our attention is often directed elsewhere: finding the perfect Christmas tree, a family  gathering, presents, etc. 


Linus reminds us that scripture focuses on celebrating the joy of welcoming Jesus as our Savior and the good news of His coming to rescue us and bring us abundant life with Him here on earth and eternal life with Him in His kingdom. He is the ultimate Christmas gift. All we have to do is accept it and embrace it.


(John 1:12)  “ . . . as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”  


This is a gift for ALL people, everywhere. Receiving it brings us to a place where we can’t help but “Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS”! (Philippians 4:4)


“But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them. That those who love your name may exalt in you.” (Psalm 5:11)  We have reason to sing, to sing from our hearts to the Lord. “Sing aloud to God our strength, shout for joy to the God of Jacob”! (Psalm 81:1) 


Have you received the ultimate gift? Are you aware of His presence with you? Are you singing His praise this Christmas ?

February 28, 2022

February 28, 2022

Good conflict resolution is integral to healthy relationships.

This picture reminds me of the importance of staying on an even keel when disagreements arise; staying steady, balanced, and on course.

When we feel hurt or upset by the words or actions of someone we care about, controlling our emotions is one of the ways we can maintain balance to have a clear perspective of the situation at hand.

We may feel out of control at the moment, but we can choose to stay calm and control our response. Then we will have our best shot at solving the problem at hand in a peaceful, harmonious manner.

We can even choose JOY in our trials! Joy comes from recognizing that that our trials can lead us towards faithfulness, loyalty, and, as Merriam-Webster notes, provide a “steady and unwavering course in love, allegiance and conviction.” 

I find it especially satisfying when I’m able to help people toward the resolution of difficult conflicts.