Laura's LifePath Coaching

October 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

The length of time before my own awakening to the reality of being deeply wounded from abortion has caused me concern over the uncounted women and men out there who have been needlessly suffering from a similar wound. Their suffering has probably been unacknowledged and silent despite the severity of damage at their core. Additionally, there has been a negative impact on relationships with spouses, children and friends.


My goal as a coach is to reach out and help others who are suffering from similar wounds by leading them to an understanding and acceptance of the gift that only the Lord, the One who can heal all wounds, including the wounds of abortion, can provide. The words of Sarah Young are encouraging: “Offering help to hurting people gives meaning to your suffering – and glory to God.”


God has provided a clear path for the transfer of our suffering to Him. It is always exciting to me to have the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience in helping others to put this suffering behind them and, at the same time enhance their relationship with God.


I love this quote by Richard Foster, “We can be assured of this: God, who knows all and sees all, will set all things straight in the end. Even better, He will dry every tear. In the meantime, He mysteriously takes our sorrows and uses them to heal the world.” 


So many of us need the healing, hope and the touch that only our Father can provide.


I have been personally blessed by His touch! 


Do you need His touch, too?

January 31, 2022

January 31, 2022

God is the ultimate source of our hope.

When we put our trust in Him, the Holy Spirit inside of us fills us with peace and joy.

The hope He gives empowers us to move forward, find our purpose and please Him.

I couldn’t be an effective coach without hope.

I share in my clients’ hope for changes that they recognize as important to find their purpose, to move forward and to reach their goals.

What or who are you putting your hope in?