Laura's LifePath Coaching

October 9, 2023

October 9, 2023

We generally fail to recognize that our pain is often a useful tool in God’s hand for shaping our lives according to His plan. His love and concern not only sustain us and provide healing, they often help us to use our pain as a growth spurt that can move us closer to Him.


In her book “True You”, Susan Sohn states “It is our mess, pain and ugly that God uses to create the most incredible beauty in our lives. Could our pain be the broth that nourishes our souls?”


My coaching centers on helping clients find hope and healing through a better understanding of God’s love and purpose, ultimately including the ability to praise Him for His perfect plan.


Have you considered that God has a purpose in allowing your pain?

August 21, 2023

August 21, 2023

One of my passions as a coach is for helping clients to build and maintain healthy relationships.


I have concluded that the foundation for building healthy and lasting relationships begins with cementing our personal relationship with the Lord. From there we have the compass to guide us in the building, maintenance, and repair of our other relationships. The desire of my heart is to help women (and men) who are in unhealthy relationships, or are struggling to maintain an important relationship, navigate their way through to health, where that is possible, and freedom from any relationship that is determined to be beyond repair.


At the core of my coaching plan for every client is the underlying emphasis on personal spiritual growth that will help to deepen the client’s relationship and identity in Christ, which can enable the building of new and healthy relationships as well as lead to the healing of pain from past experiences. 


If you or someone you know could benefit from relationship coaching, I hope you will reach out to me to set up a complimentary Discovery call!

August 7, 2023

August 7, 2023

Are you aware that God’s love not only has the power to change lives, but that it can be completely transformational?


A primary focus of my coaching is sharing with my clients our ability to tap into God’s love which allows an experience of healing and change.


In the embrace of God’s love, shame and guilt melt away and usher in purpose and hope.


Can you use some change in your life? Any need for God’s healing touch?

July 31, 2023

July 31, 2023

Have you heard the phrase, “We identify with Jesus in our suffering”?


I remind myself of this truth often. While I realize that my own suffering could never hold a candle to the suffering that Jesus endured, it helps to remind me of all that he went through. His suffering had a great purpose. Our suffering has a purpose as well.


I have come to see my suffering as an opportunity to demonstrate my faith and trust in the Lord. Author Chris Tiegreen writes, “We give out of our own experiences”.  He makes the point that our past equips us to serve others going through similar experiences. He adds that even though we may not have navigated our traumas well the first time around, we learned something from them and can relate to those in need. “Many have turned their traumas into ministries over time.”


My personal experience with God’s healing of my wounded heart is a gift that gives me great joy to share with others in need of His healing touch. I see it as a cornerstone of my ministry and a recognition of God’s grace encouraging me to pay it forward!


I pray for connection to those who need a path toward God’s healing of their wounded heart.  If that person is you or someone close to you, send me a message so that we can find a time to talk!

July 10, 2023

July 10, 2023

I would love to meet you! Hopefully, one day that will happen. In the meantime, I would like to share a few of my personal likes and thoughts so you’ll know me a little better:


  1. I love exploring the Maine coast!
  2. I love photography. Landscape photography is a special passion of mine.
  3. I like having plants all around the house, especially when they are in pots with lobsters on them!
  4. I enjoy reading at the beach when it’s foggy and no one’s around. This book, “Surrender to Love” by David G. Benner, is excellent!
  5. I have a belief that God has used various trials in my life as a workshop for the development of particular skills, coupled with a sprinkle of wisdom, to be used for helping others to experience positive outcomes from their own trials.


I’d like to get to know you better, too. What is a personal like or belief of yours that you are willing to share? Book a half-hour complimentary Discovery Call with me and let’s talk!

May 22, 2023

May 22, 2023

Finding seaglass and putting it on display are a joy to me. It reflects the light so beautifully!


It’s also a reminder that there is a purpose in brokenness. In turn, I also see it as a reminder that God uses broken people and broken things for His purposes.


Just as the action of the ocean waves smooth and polish the sharp, broken pieces of glass, our Heavenly Father gradually smooths our jagged and broken edges. He removes the brokenness and changes us into an appealing reflection of His light.


An important aspect of coming to God in repentance is our acceptance of the fact of our brokenness, opening ourselves up to receive Him and experiencing His desire to fashion us into reflectors of His love and handiwork.


Are you up for letting God perform a makeover of your brokenness into a thing of beauty and reflection of His light?

March 20, 2023

March 20, 2023

What does it mean to be “whole”? 


First and foremost, becoming whole is a work of God. From God’s perspective, being whole is being complete in Him. In the words of Charles Stanley, it means “to know with deep assurance that we are beloved by God with an everlasting, infinite, and unconditional love.” 


Becoming whole is a journey that begins when we are rescued from ourselves – when we trust Jesus’s promise of salvation and invite Him into our hearts. 


Stanley adds: “You are never required by God to live with guilt, shame, or regret. Accept that your past mistakes may have put you into the situation you are in, but quickly acknowledge the greater truth that your past mistakes – now forgiven by God – do not need to impact the decisions or choices you will make in the future.”  


When we are whole, we are sound in spirit, mind, and emotions. We can stand up to the enemy of our souls no matter what he throws at us. Becoming whole is a journey of learning and healing that continues until we are finally in our eternal home. Only a personal relationship with Jesus puts us on a path toward becoming whole! 


Are you on this journey? Have you reached out to touch the hem of His garment?

March 13, 2023

March 13, 2023



A recent challenge to identify my top five core values resulted in a conclusion that authenticity is an important one. But, it raises the question: “Do I value saying and doing what is true to who I am?” 


The Lord’s patient leading over several years has given me opportunities, and the encouragement, to share the awakening that He gave me by shining a light into the darkness of my shame, resulting in freedom from my guilt and enabling me to help others to do the same.


For me, authenticity means actively following the Lord’s leading and provision of courage to share His gift of enlightenment with others.


It is important to allow ourselves to acknowledge the pain we have experienced as a result of our sin. Pain brings us the opportunity and the desire for the Lord’s entry into our innermost being. He brings with Him the peace, love, and healing that only He can provide.


What does authenticity look like for you?

November 7, 2022

November 7, 2022

It has become clearer to me over time that the enemy of my soul has worked overtime for many years to interfere with the sharing of my story. This verse from Revelation has been one of the encouragements for my response.


At the beginning of 2019, I chose the word “Courage” as my word for the year. I proclaimed in a post, “Let this be the year you go after courage”.  I have tried to keep my focus on the leading of the Holy Spirit.


Recognizing that it is the devil’s desire to prevent me from sharing my story increases my desire to share it. God certainly does not want me, or any of His children, to live under a cloud of shame. He came to set the captives free! (Luke 4:18).


The Holy Spirit has encouraged me toward helping others by sharing the story of my own struggles and victories achieved through His power. Jesus’ blood has not only cleansed me, but it is He who has given me the victory and the courage to share my story with others!

October 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

The length of time before my own awakening to the reality of being deeply wounded from abortion has caused me concern over the uncounted women and men out there who have been needlessly suffering from a similar wound. Their suffering has probably been unacknowledged and silent despite the severity of damage at their core. Additionally, there has been a negative impact on relationships with spouses, children and friends.


My goal as a coach is to reach out and help others who are suffering from similar wounds by leading them to an understanding and acceptance of the gift that only the Lord, the One who can heal all wounds, including the wounds of abortion, can provide. The words of Sarah Young are encouraging: “Offering help to hurting people gives meaning to your suffering – and glory to God.”


God has provided a clear path for the transfer of our suffering to Him. It is always exciting to me to have the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience in helping others to put this suffering behind them and, at the same time enhance their relationship with God.


I love this quote by Richard Foster, “We can be assured of this: God, who knows all and sees all, will set all things straight in the end. Even better, He will dry every tear. In the meantime, He mysteriously takes our sorrows and uses them to heal the world.” 


So many of us need the healing, hope and the touch that only our Father can provide.


I have been personally blessed by His touch! 


Do you need His touch, too?