Laura's LifePath Coaching

December 30, 2024

December 30, 2024

Happy New Year!


Does that greeting lead to any thoughts about possible changes for the better in your life next year?


In other parts of the world people do some odd things on New Year’s Eve to try to ensure changes in the coming year. In Russia, there’s a tradition of writing wishes on a piece of paper, burning it, and then drinking the ashes in a glass of champagne! In Turkey, people sprinkle salt on their doorstep at midnight to assure peace and prosperity in the new year.


My personal hope for the new year is that there will be a widespread recognition of the truth found in God’s Word that, as individuals, we all fall short in God’s sight. This one critical insight is what allows us to understand and accept Jesus’ offer to put our hopes and desire for the change that God is looking for in His hands. If you haven’t done that yet, that’s the one life changing event that I hope you will experience in the new year!


My coaching goal is to help my clients to find this new beginning and to help them travel a new road that leads to becoming the people that God made them to be, new people in partnership with the Holy Spirit! It’s the same goal that is beautifully stated by Frances Brook in 1896 when he wrote the hymn, “My goal is God Himself, not joy, nor peace, nor even blessing, but Himself, my God.”


As Charles Stanley observes, “His commitment to you is lasting…His friendship never changes.”


Does the transformation that God is looking for, and offers to each of us, sound like a worthwhile goal for the new year?

November 4, 2024

November 4, 2024

A little humor to begin the week! A friend shared this meme with me recently, knowing well that it would hit home. It’s funny, but it’s also convicting. Can you relate?


When I feel frazzled and overwhelmed, one remedy is to sit down, close my eyes, and meditate on one of my favorite verses, Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God…”.


God can handle anything that comes our way, and if we’re relying on Him, He will quiet our mind, show us what to do next – and give us His peace.


What do you do when you’re feeling frazzled?

October 21, 2024

October 21, 2024

The satisfaction that I enjoy when it becomes apparent that my coaching is helping a client to find a path out of a place of darkness, toward a place of light, has recently been enhanced by adding my certification in Crisis Response and Trauma Care. The focus of this area of coaching is on providing a compassionate and supportive presence to mitigate acute distress following a traumatic event. How people respond to trauma and crisis varies to the same degree that personality varies. What may be traumatic to one person may not phase another.


Among the benefits that this area of mental health coaching can provide are stability, comfort and awareness of the possible harm of making quick decisions. The consideration of a particular support system may also provide help along with addressing spiritual and other facets of mental help. The mere presence of working with a mental health coach, generally referred to as the “Ministry of Presence” is usually a paramount benefit in the relief of a traumatic setback in itself. 


My own faith in Christ, as Lord of all and the ultimate authority, is what enables me to share what I have learned through my training as a coach with the goal of providing comfort, strength and a path toward light from the dark.

Are you experiencing stress as a result of trauma and the uncertainty around us? How is your connection with God? It would be my privilege to talk with you.

October 14, 2024

October 14, 2024

Oceans of Love!


Focusing on the endless horizon where it meets the sea helps me to comprehend God’s unbounded love for me.


Many long and difficult years have brought me to a place of understanding His great love for me. Deep belief in His love, taking it in, being able to truly feel it, and breathing it back out, becomes a special blessing!


God desires that we learn to see ourselves, and each other, through that lens of His love – a love that is both unconditional and endless. A perfect love that only He can provide.


It’s God’s desire that we love Him back and that we give His unconditional love to others and experience it in return. 

Do you know how much the Lord loves you?

October 7, 2024

October 7, 2024

Just as trust is an essential ingredient in every healthy relationship, it is better described as critically true in our relationship with the Lord. That trust includes a belief in what God says in His Word and a belief in His great power.


Actually, we need to trust the Lord with everything in our lives, which includes putting our trust in His love for us. As we consciously choose each day to trust Him, we’ll become aware that we are growing closer in our relationship to Him.


Doubt is our enemy! Doubt hinders healthy relationships and obstructs our spiritual growth. Doubt often takes root when we tend to rely on our feelings and experiences, instead of what we know, or should know, to be true. Feelings come and go. If we base our relationships on our feelings then the relationship will likely be doomed.


Can you consider what steps you may be able to take today to build trust?

September 9, 2024

September 9, 2024

I have talked about messes before, and I will continue talking about them. (Anything worth saying bears repeating!)


We are fallible human beings after all, and every day brings new and different challenges. We need all the help we can get!


Even when we acknowledge our messiness, it is extremely beneficial to have ongoing reminders of God’s grace and redemption.


God allows the messes to happen in our lives for His good purposes. We won’t know all of the reasons right now, but one day we will have a full understanding.


If the Lord can clean up and redeem my mess, then He can certainly do the same for you!


God uses broken people like me to rescue broken people. Is it possible that He wants to use you, too?

August 12, 2024

August 12, 2024

The farmer who uses a guide when plowing his field is able to keep his plow on a straight path. He fixes his gaze on an object ahead, such as a tree or a post, to keep his paths straight. If he looks behind him, his plow will start to jerk back and forth and his furrows will become zigzags.


Like the farmer, we need to make straight paths as we move forward. Paul exhorts us to forget those things that are behind us and reach for the things that are before us. We have the Lord for our guide to keep us on a straight path. He wants us to stay on the path that leads us to the ultimate prize, everlasting glory with Him!

Is there something that’s keeping your gaze from a steady look forward?

August 5, 2024

August 5, 2024

This got my attention today and I just had to share it with you. 

One of the best tips that I can offer to a client having difficulty with a relationship is to let go and let God


Whether the relationship is old or new or involves a person we love, letting go and trusting God often presents a perplexing challenge. A test of our faith is required, especially when the difficulty involves a person that we love, to surrender the difficulty into His care, to trust Him with the problem and to let go.


I have faced this challenge numerous times. Over the years, the Lord has either allowed, or caused, the removal of a relationship with someone who I thought would become my partner in life. The reason has not always been clear, but the lesson has been unmistakably clear!


Trust and Let Go!


Do you have any relationship difficulties that God is calling you to surrender into His hands?

June 17, 2024

June 17, 2024

I hope it was a happy and special Father’s Day for everyone!


I had planned to share an encouraging message about our Eternal God today, but felt led to share about Father God instead.


The Father of all Fathers! The Father who loves us like no other can!


The importance of Fathers has been minimized in our society over the past couple of decades, and I pray that we as a nation – and world! – will come to a greater understanding and recognition of the importance of the Father’s role in the family.


This meme spells out the many qualities of our Heavenly Father and some of the verses where we find them described.


Understanding and personally knowing each of these qualities, and adopting them ourselves, will go a long way towards improving the quality of our relationships with others. It will also go a long way towards strengthening our relationship with our Loving Father.


I believe that reflecting on these qualities and asking ourselves how we are doing manifesting them in our own relationships is a worthwhile way to begin the week!

May 20, 2024

May 20, 2024

Today I have a tip to share with anyone interested in cultivating stronger and healthier relationships.  Begin with God by focusing on who He is and your relationship with Him.


Remember – “What is impossible with man is possible with God” (Luke 18:27)


Concentrate on how you see and understand God. I have talked with many discouraged people who limit God to their personally conceived notion of Him. They fail to recognize that their comprehension of God within the limitations of what our brain can accurately process is very limited and can never rise to seeing Him in His role as a truly sovereign God!


Charles Spurgeon, a preeminent author and preacher put it this way: “As well might a gnat seek to drink in the ocean, as a finite creature to comprehend the Eternal God.”


Are you limiting God’s ability to work in your own life by relegating His sovereignty to something less than reality? It’s worth pondering! Don’t limit the Lord! Anything is possible!


When you are in close relationship with God, all of your other relationships will benefit. It’s the best place to start!


How is your relationship with God?