Laura's LifePath Coaching

June 27, 2022

June 27, 2022

Jesus comforted his disciples with these words just before he was arrested and taken away to die.


His words strike me as particularly relevant to the turmoil we have been experiencing over the last couple of years. 


Our faith has been tested and shaken because of the uncertainty and insecurity in the midst of overwhelming threats to our safety and well-being.


There are storms all around us. We’re facing the probability that we will never see a world without tribulation.


On the positive side, our need for Jesus is all the more clear, as is the reason why we can ‘take heart’.


We find our peace in Him because through His sacrifice, He overcame the world and all of its troubles.


He gave the victory to those who put their trust in His finished work on the cross.


Considering all of the tribulation around you, is your faith in Jesus, and His promise of security and victory, keeping you above the fray?

May 16, 2022

May 16, 2022

When my son first told me that he wanted to start training at a boxing club with a friend of his from school, I wasn’t sure what to think. Although I was used to him risking injury playing football for several years, boxing seemed a little extreme. Now after watching him train (in the old-fashioned Olympic style), I am seeing all of the benefits he is reaping from his hard work: discipline, determination and endurance, to name just a few.


The Apostle Paul’s message likened the strengthening of a believer’s faith to the conditioning necessary for a successful fight. We need preparation, discipline and determination if we’re going to fight the good fight of faith. 


Every day brings the opportunity and challenge for strengthening our faith muscles and then, stepping into the ring and fighting a good fight.


Do you have a conditioning program? A coach can help!

February 21, 2022

February 21, 2022

Do you ever feel like your prayers aren’t reaching their destination? Like the Lord is a million miles away and couldn’t possibly be tuning in to your prayers and the cries of your heart?


I want to encourage you today – God is listening! He is nearer to you than you realize! Nearer to you than your own soul and your most secret thoughts! It is difficult for us to comprehend this fully, but we need to take this truth in and operate from this place of assurance that He hears you!


He is talking to you. Can you hear Him?

January 24, 2022

January 24, 2022

In order to deepen our faith, we need to exercise it!


It is only by faith that we can acknowledge and accept that our Father has allowed everything that is happening in our world, including all of the circumstances in our lives and all that has ever happened to us. He allows all of it for His good purposes, as well as for our own.


Our acknowledgement of this truth, even though we frequently can’t understand His purpose, exercises, deepens and strengthens our faith. 


Without faith, it is impossible to have a relationship with God. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him.


God’s Word says that we will be rewarded for our faith! A major part of the reward is true contentment, even in the unstable world in which we live.


Faith enables us to be in a trusting relationship with God despite our troubles and the power of faith can even move mountains (Mark 11:23).


I love this quote by W. Graham Scroggie, “Sight is worldly wisdom, but faith is heavenly wisdom”.


We need to live by faith, not by sight!


How is your faith these days? Do you have faith in God despite all the craziness in the world?

December 20, 2021

DECEMBER 20, 2021

Merry Christmas!


I love the comforting thought of God always being with me.


Charles Stanley comments that “Because of the indwelling Christ, believers are never separated from His permanent presence. We are in Christ and He is in us. What an encouragement! What a comfort! What an assurance! We always have a shoulder to lean on – the broad shoulders of Immanuel. We always have someone to listen to our heartache – our constant Companion and Friend, Jesus.”


Isn’t this a wonderful gift?!

December 6, 2021

DECEMBER 6, 2021

Christmastime brings us beautiful songs about peace on earth ~

“All is calm, all is bright.”

We long for peace in our hearts, but often do not feel it.

There is talk of World Peace, but it does not come.

There is only one place to look for true peace.

Only the Lord of Peace can give us peace at all times and in every way.

The gospel of Peace that He has brought us declares His love for us.

When we are still, we can feel His presence.

Even in the midst of the busyness of Christmas and even in the storms of life.

We have the assurance that He is with us and we can enjoy His Peace.

Do you know this kind of Peace?

November 29, 2021

NOVEMBER 29, 2021

I am beginning this week with gratitude in my heart.

I am grateful for the love of family and that I was able to make the long journey with my son to spend time with mine for Thanksgiving.

I am most grateful, however, for love that is truly unfailing.

God’s love.

The more thankful I become, the more I feel His love.

No love can truly comfort me like His love.

No other love completely surrounds me when I am alone.

No other love fills me with such joy.

Do you know His love?

November 22, 2021

NOVEMBER 22, 2021

Check out this verse! It says we should give thanks, regardless of our circumstances! What a great way to begin Thanksgiving week!


Have you heard that Jesus came to set the captives free? That was me, but He has set me free, and now I am able to share this good news with you!


My desire is to help you find hope and healing through God’s amazing love for you and to help you to find God’s purpose in your suffering, along with the ability to praise Him regardless of your circumstances.


As long as I live, I will tell my story, bring God the glory and share hope with “the captives”.


God’s grace has set me free! Free from shame and guilt, free from condemnation.


We can trust Him to be with us and for us in all circumstances if we are putting our faith in Him.


This Thanksgiving, I am most thankful for the grace that God has given me.


Have you experienced His grace?