Laura's LifePath Coaching

December 5, 2022

December 5, 2022

One of the highlights of Christmas for me is the focus on the message of hope!


In the first verse of his first letter to Timothy, Paul references “ the Lord Jesus Christ, our hope.”  Vine’s New Testament Expository Dictionary explains that the most frequent significance of the word “hope” relates to “a favorable and confident expectation” and “the happy anticipation of good”.


Without Jesus as our hope, we have no real, eternal hope. We are only left with speculation and confusion that abounds in our fallen world.


I celebrate the Christmas message of hope, the “confident expectation”, that putting our trust in Him brings the ultimate Christmas gift!


He is our hope!


What, or who, are you putting your hope in?

December 20, 2021

DECEMBER 20, 2021

Merry Christmas!


I love the comforting thought of God always being with me.


Charles Stanley comments that “Because of the indwelling Christ, believers are never separated from His permanent presence. We are in Christ and He is in us. What an encouragement! What a comfort! What an assurance! We always have a shoulder to lean on – the broad shoulders of Immanuel. We always have someone to listen to our heartache – our constant Companion and Friend, Jesus.”


Isn’t this a wonderful gift?!

December 13, 2021

DECEMBER 13, 2021

What is the greatest gift you are giving this Christmas?

The greatest gift that our Father has ever given us is salvation in His son, Jesus.

If you have accepted His miraculous gift, then you can know for certain that you belong to Him.

You may feel alone, and even abandoned at times, but this is a deception.

That our Lord paid such a huge price for you demonstrates how valuable you are to Him.

You need to trust that He has good things in store for you, even when you cannot envision it.

Do you know how cherished you are? Do you know your worth?

December 6, 2021

DECEMBER 6, 2021

Christmastime brings us beautiful songs about peace on earth ~

“All is calm, all is bright.”

We long for peace in our hearts, but often do not feel it.

There is talk of World Peace, but it does not come.

There is only one place to look for true peace.

Only the Lord of Peace can give us peace at all times and in every way.

The gospel of Peace that He has brought us declares His love for us.

When we are still, we can feel His presence.

Even in the midst of the busyness of Christmas and even in the storms of life.

We have the assurance that He is with us and we can enjoy His Peace.

Do you know this kind of Peace?