Laura's LifePath Coaching

March 4, 2024

March 4, 2024

I want to encourage you today. If you’re feeling discouraged or overwhelmed, I hope this message will encourage you. Maybe you feel like there is no way out of your present situation or there seems to be a mountain standing in your way.


At times like these, I remind myself that God has good plans for me and there is hope! When I have a feeling like this, I set aside some time to look into God’s Word, especially to read and think about the good news of salvation, the new life that Jesus brings, and the wonderful plan that He has for me.


I want you to understand that there is reason for you to be encouraged as well! I am here if you would like to talk about it.

February 26, 2024

February 26, 2024

Sheila Walsh was one of the most inspiring speakers I’ve heard at the AACC Conferences I attend for my continuing education. Her 2019 “Extraordinary Woman of the Year” award was well-deserved. Sheila traveled from her home in Scotland to share her story. After five years of co-hosting the 700 Club with Pat Robertson, she suffered a terrible breakdown and, as she put it, God allowed her life to fall apart. The day that began on the set of The 700 Club ended with her in a hospital on suicide watch. Sheila told us that God took her to prison to set her free and that “gifts are given to us with bloody hands”. 


Sheila’s story of her childhood in Scotland and the extreme pain she suffered at the hands of her ill father is heart-wrenching, but worth hearing and learning from. Her journey through clinical depression taught her in the end that she did not have to carry her shame, that Christ took it and carried it for her. The message she shared was about pressing on through the darkness, holding Jesus’ hand.  Sheila reminded us that our Savior gladly bared his scars when he rose from the dead, and that we should bare ours to let others know that they are not alone on this journey.


Listening to Sheila made me more eager to share my own story and less afraid to show my scars. As Christians, we need to be all in! Are you willing to bare your scars to let others know that they are not alone?

February 19, 2024

February 19, 2024

Continuing certification for coaching includes studying newly discovered methods and techniques by recognized experts in coaching and related fields. I attended a fascinating workshop given by Dr. Daniel Amen, a psychiatrist with forty years of experience and author of a number books, including “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life”. He heads the Amen Clinics, which offer a wide range of mental health services and is a firm believer that seeking an end to mental illness begins with a concentration on brain health. 


Dr. Amen has developed a certification program in Brain Health Coaching. His approach is designed to help clients identify risk factors that “steal your mind”! There are eleven of them and almost all are preventable or treatable. His findings and methods provide coaches with information and skills that can help clients break bad habits and become adept at learning how to improve their own brain health. There is much to learn about our brains!


I enjoy opportunities to help clients with change. Are you interested in learning how coaching can help produce beneficial changes in your brain?

February 12, 2024

February 12, 2024

Valentine’s Day is about celebrating love. God’s love ranks number one!


I don’t know where I would be without the love of God. He has given me all that I have, including all that I need to serve: time, ability, skill, and resources.


It is His love that fuels my passion for coaching and for helping others. His unfathomable love and grace motivate me to want to share His love with others and to help them achieve their God-given goals.


Charles Stanley puts it beautifully. He writes, “God loves you. He loves you unconditionally, without limit or qualification, and He loves you personally and individually. Not only does He love you and desire to shower you with His love, but He desires to be loved by you. Furthermore, He desires that you love and be loved by other human beings. God is generous – even extravagant – in His love. He delights when you express His brand of unconditional love to others and when you experience that kind of love in return.” 


Are you enjoying God’s love?

February 5, 2024

February 5, 2024

If you asked me what motivates me to devote the time and effort to engage in life coaching, sharing God’s love with others has to rank as the number one reason! But, a natural follow up question might be: “what is truly unique about God’s love?”


The foundational Greek in scripture references a variety of the  types of love. God’s love is defined as agape love and stands apart from other forms of love such as tender affection and erotic love. 


Some of the qualities of God’s Agape love are: constant, free, sacrificial, ever-present, perfect, unfailing and unlimited. 


It was this love that caused God to send His son into the world (John 3:16) to suffer on our behalf to rescue us from our sinful state and bring us back to Him. 


Because of His great love for us, Jesus desires an eternal and personal relationship with each of us.


When we accept His invitation, the relationship that He establishes with us includes His constant presence with us and a love with the power to redeem our failures and to transform us into His image.  


Are you trusting in Him and the power of His love? 

January 29, 2024

January 29, 2024

Gods wisdom and revelation are free gifts to believers who seek and ask. They are key ingredients to spiritual growth. One of the major benefits of spiritual growth is the opening of a pathway to healthy and happy relationships. So, my tip for today is to make spiritual growth a priority in your life. God wants an increasingly intimate relationship with you!


As you grow closer to the Lord, you will come to a deeper understanding of His great love for you. Your capacity to love others will be enlarged, and you will become better equipped and enabled to establish and maintain healthy and enjoyable relationships. You will also enjoy a host of other benefits. Most importantly, you will establish a more intimate relationship with God.


Are you up for thinking and praying about ways that you can experience spiritual growth and greater intimacy with God?

January 22, 2024

January 22, 2024

Jesus answers His disciples question about what they should pray for in Luke 11:9, telling them “seek, and you will find”.


The verse quoted above in the picture provides the answer to the question of what each of us needs to focus on. Who, rather than what, is the key for our focus. 


Seeking the Lord’s presence includes admitting that we are needy, helpless even. This is difficult for most of us, but an essential step toward arriving at a place of trust and dependence on God.


No matter how difficult our circumstances, as we seek the Lord’s presence, He redirects our minds to things above. In the process, we glorify God as we focus on Him and His strength and ability to meet our needs.


Putting ourselves in His presence brings us peace, joy, and contentment, all of which leads to rejoicing! “In His presence there is fullness of joy!” (Psalm 16:11)


As we seek, He confirms His presence with us, guides us, and provides everything that we need for the situation at hand.


Have you tried seeking His presence recently?

January 15, 2024

January 15, 2024

I love this quote by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., as well as one I heard today in an interview with his daughter, Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King ~


“My father was a living epistle. He literally embodied the Spirit of Christ. There’s a power in believing and lining yourself up with God’s Word.”


Taking the first step is so important! When we exercise our faith, and our desires are lined up with God’s Word, the Lord will meet us there.

January 8, 2024

January 8, 2024

Transformation is a primary key to moving forward and achieving a closer walk with the Lord. I am so grateful to the Lord for His transformational power, His healing, and the knowledge that He’s not finished with me yet!


By allowing God to work in me, through challenges that have come my way, I am able to play a part in paying His work forward by helping others to experience God’s healing as well. It has become increasingly clear to me that God allows us to go through hard times for good reason. He uses everything for good! (Romans 8:28)


Of course, God works the transformation. My part in it is simply allowing Him to transform me, hopefully, day by day, into the image of Christ. While this goal won’t be fully achieved until I go to be with Him, I have the use of, and access to, the knowledge and wisdom that He gives me to help others along the same path toward their own transformation.  


It’s an added blessing to me to be able to help others as I work to pay it forward!

January 1, 2024

JanuarY 1, 2024

Here’s to your health in 2024!


God desires for His children to be healthy and to enjoy healthy, loving relationships.


Loving others well begins with understanding and accepting God’s love for you and understanding that you are a precious child of God!


As He promises to bring health and healing to Jerusalem (Jeremiah 33:6), He wants you to be complete in Him and to fulfill His plan and purpose for you.


He will heal His people and they will enjoy abundant peace and security!


Are you going to accept God’s best for you in the new year?