Laura's LifePath Coaching

September 30, 2024

September 30, 2024

I’m a survivor. I’ve climbed a lot of mountains in my life and have lived to tell about it!


I have a compelling desire to encourage others by sharing the love and hope that I have found in Jesus and His redeeming power.


Coaching can present a unique opportunity to share some techniques for climbing difficult and changing terrain.

Interested in doing some climbing together?

September 23, 2024

September 23, 2024

Have you accepted God’s free offer of forgiveness for your sins?


The mercy of God is poured out on those who are willing to confess a need for forgiveness. Recognizing our need provides God with all that He asks or seeks to avoid His otherwise inescapable judgement.


God’s forgiveness extends to remembering our sins no more. He is “a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and rich in faithful love”. (Nehemiah 9:17)


Once we have received God’s mercy and forgiveness, God then tells us to extend a like forgiveness to our brothers and sisters. By doing this we follow God’s lead.


As Charles Stanley puts it, we need to be “willing to place every hurt and injustice into the hands of God and trust Him to heal our hearts and deal with those who have wounded us.” We’re not expected to deny our hurts, but our forgiveness frees those who have harmed us from blame. Focusing on our hurts, past injustices and sins only creates hostility and bitterness. “Vengeance is mine”, says the Lord!


Are you up for receiving God’s forgiveness and aligning with God in reflecting His mercy to others?

September 16, 2024

September 16, 2024

Five years ago, my son started to train at a boxing club with a friend of his from school. Although I was used to him risking injury playing football, boxing seemed a little extreme.


After watching him train (in the old-fashioned Olympic style), I have seen all the benefits he has reaped from his hard work: discipline, determination and endurance, to name just a few.


The Apostle Paul challenged Believers in Christ to fight the good fight of faith and to take hold of the promise of eternal life.


Every day we have the opportunity to get in the ring, develop our faith muscles and train in this good fight.


Do you have a conditioning program? A coach can help!

September 9, 2024

September 9, 2024

I have talked about messes before, and I will continue talking about them. (Anything worth saying bears repeating!)


We are fallible human beings after all, and every day brings new and different challenges. We need all the help we can get!


Even when we acknowledge our messiness, it is extremely beneficial to have ongoing reminders of God’s grace and redemption.


God allows the messes to happen in our lives for His good purposes. We won’t know all of the reasons right now, but one day we will have a full understanding.


If the Lord can clean up and redeem my mess, then He can certainly do the same for you!


God uses broken people like me to rescue broken people. Is it possible that He wants to use you, too?

September 2, 2024

September 2, 2024

Here is some interesting history about Labor Day, shared by fellow coach Gayle Chaky, a college planning consultant:


In the midst of massive unrest and in an attempt to repair ties with disgruntled American workers, President Grover Cleveland designated Labor Day as a national holiday on June 28, 1894.
The Uniform Holiday Act of 1968 ensured that certain holidays would always be celebrated on a Monday, including Labor Day.
Enjoy your Labor Day!

August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024

I love this quote! This was one of my first posts. I said then how thankful I was that the Lord rescued me from darkness and depression. He cleansed me, took me into His Light and is leading me down the path of Life.


My heart is to help and guide others who are hurting, working alongside the Holy Spirit to point them to this path of Life in Him.


He is so good and faithful! He patiently waits for us.


Have you reached up to grasp His hand?

August 19, 2024

August 19, 2024

Most of us don’t like to admit weaknesses, much less failures.


We often associate times of troubles with our weakness. I know that I have. 


It is tempting to say that troubles and trials have made me strong.


As we learn from the apostle Paul, the truth is that our weakness allows us to experience the power of Christ as we surrender weakness to Him and allow His strength to take over.


I can acquire Christ’s strength whenever I recognize my weakness and lean on Him in times of trouble.


Are you relying on Him in times of trouble?

August 12, 2024

August 12, 2024

The farmer who uses a guide when plowing his field is able to keep his plow on a straight path. He fixes his gaze on an object ahead, such as a tree or a post, to keep his paths straight. If he looks behind him, his plow will start to jerk back and forth and his furrows will become zigzags.


Like the farmer, we need to make straight paths as we move forward. Paul exhorts us to forget those things that are behind us and reach for the things that are before us. We have the Lord for our guide to keep us on a straight path. He wants us to stay on the path that leads us to the ultimate prize, everlasting glory with Him!

Is there something that’s keeping your gaze from a steady look forward?

August 5, 2024

August 5, 2024

This got my attention today and I just had to share it with you. 

One of the best tips that I can offer to a client having difficulty with a relationship is to let go and let God


Whether the relationship is old or new or involves a person we love, letting go and trusting God often presents a perplexing challenge. A test of our faith is required, especially when the difficulty involves a person that we love, to surrender the difficulty into His care, to trust Him with the problem and to let go.


I have faced this challenge numerous times. Over the years, the Lord has either allowed, or caused, the removal of a relationship with someone who I thought would become my partner in life. The reason has not always been clear, but the lesson has been unmistakably clear!


Trust and Let Go!


Do you have any relationship difficulties that God is calling you to surrender into His hands?

July 29, 2024

July 29, 2024

Sometimes it takes a great deal of courage to tell our story, but knowing that sharing the story of what God has done in our life can overcome the devil makes facing the fear worthwhile.


As Revelation 12:11 declares, “And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony”!


The enemy of our soul works tirelessly to tarnish our story and hinder us from sharing it with others who might be encouraged.


As Noel writes, “We who were once broken, lost, and desperate for help, can now help to rescue and restore others”.


If God can rescue me, He can rescue you, too!


Are you in need of rescue? Maybe God will use your story to help and encourage others!