Laura's LifePath Coaching

November 4, 2024

November 4, 2024

A little humor to begin the week! A friend shared this meme with me recently, knowing well that it would hit home. It’s funny, but it’s also convicting. Can you relate?


When I feel frazzled and overwhelmed, one remedy is to sit down, close my eyes, and meditate on one of my favorite verses, Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God…”.


God can handle anything that comes our way, and if we’re relying on Him, He will quiet our mind, show us what to do next – and give us His peace.


What do you do when you’re feeling frazzled?

October 28, 2024

October 28, 2024

I always find some excitement in the adventures that I encounter along my coaching path!


My coaching niche becomes more focused over time and coincides with my own personal development and spiritual growth. I sense God’s hand in providing a variety of experiences in His calling that enhances my desire and ability to provide help for my clients.


It has become increasingly clear to me that God is our Great Physician and that it is His love, strength and healing power that enables me to help others to discover His unique and special path for them. He alone gets the glory!


My own path includes a call from Him, and resulting desire, to help women with trauma in their past. This always includes an understanding of a need for a continuing growth and acceptance of their identity in Christ, a necessity for all believers to walk a path enabling them to gain confidence in Christ’s power within them to cast aside any shame or guilt and to experience a new path to freedom from toxic and abusive relationships and to find a place of healing, peace and joy.


Understanding God’s unconditional love is a key to staying on a path toward healthy relationships. Processing our past is one facet of coaching that I find important in helping clients to navigate around obstacles and avoid or overcome roadblocks along the way.


Each of us needs to find and walk on the path that God promises is available to us as believers in Jesus Christ. This life path should be one that leads to healthy and fulfilling relationships – with others, with God, and with yourself!


Are you on a path leading to the one that God wants for you to experience an abundant life?

October 21, 2024

October 21, 2024

The satisfaction that I enjoy when it becomes apparent that my coaching is helping a client to find a path out of a place of darkness, toward a place of light, has recently been enhanced by adding my certification in Crisis Response and Trauma Care. The focus of this area of coaching is on providing a compassionate and supportive presence to mitigate acute distress following a traumatic event. How people respond to trauma and crisis varies to the same degree that personality varies. What may be traumatic to one person may not phase another.


Among the benefits that this area of mental health coaching can provide are stability, comfort and awareness of the possible harm of making quick decisions. The consideration of a particular support system may also provide help along with addressing spiritual and other facets of mental help. The mere presence of working with a mental health coach, generally referred to as the “Ministry of Presence” is usually a paramount benefit in the relief of a traumatic setback in itself. 


My own faith in Christ, as Lord of all and the ultimate authority, is what enables me to share what I have learned through my training as a coach with the goal of providing comfort, strength and a path toward light from the dark.

Are you experiencing stress as a result of trauma and the uncertainty around us? How is your connection with God? It would be my privilege to talk with you.

October 14, 2024

October 14, 2024

Oceans of Love!


Focusing on the endless horizon where it meets the sea helps me to comprehend God’s unbounded love for me.


Many long and difficult years have brought me to a place of understanding His great love for me. Deep belief in His love, taking it in, being able to truly feel it, and breathing it back out, becomes a special blessing!


God desires that we learn to see ourselves, and each other, through that lens of His love – a love that is both unconditional and endless. A perfect love that only He can provide.


It’s God’s desire that we love Him back and that we give His unconditional love to others and experience it in return. 

Do you know how much the Lord loves you?

October 7, 2024

October 7, 2024

Just as trust is an essential ingredient in every healthy relationship, it is better described as critically true in our relationship with the Lord. That trust includes a belief in what God says in His Word and a belief in His great power.


Actually, we need to trust the Lord with everything in our lives, which includes putting our trust in His love for us. As we consciously choose each day to trust Him, we’ll become aware that we are growing closer in our relationship to Him.


Doubt is our enemy! Doubt hinders healthy relationships and obstructs our spiritual growth. Doubt often takes root when we tend to rely on our feelings and experiences, instead of what we know, or should know, to be true. Feelings come and go. If we base our relationships on our feelings then the relationship will likely be doomed.


Can you consider what steps you may be able to take today to build trust?

September 30, 2024

September 30, 2024

I’m a survivor. I’ve climbed a lot of mountains in my life and have lived to tell about it!


I have a compelling desire to encourage others by sharing the love and hope that I have found in Jesus and His redeeming power.


Coaching can present a unique opportunity to share some techniques for climbing difficult and changing terrain.

Interested in doing some climbing together?

September 23, 2024

September 23, 2024

Have you accepted God’s free offer of forgiveness for your sins?


The mercy of God is poured out on those who are willing to confess a need for forgiveness. Recognizing our need provides God with all that He asks or seeks to avoid His otherwise inescapable judgement.


God’s forgiveness extends to remembering our sins no more. He is “a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and rich in faithful love”. (Nehemiah 9:17)


Once we have received God’s mercy and forgiveness, God then tells us to extend a like forgiveness to our brothers and sisters. By doing this we follow God’s lead.


As Charles Stanley puts it, we need to be “willing to place every hurt and injustice into the hands of God and trust Him to heal our hearts and deal with those who have wounded us.” We’re not expected to deny our hurts, but our forgiveness frees those who have harmed us from blame. Focusing on our hurts, past injustices and sins only creates hostility and bitterness. “Vengeance is mine”, says the Lord!


Are you up for receiving God’s forgiveness and aligning with God in reflecting His mercy to others?

September 16, 2024

September 16, 2024

Five years ago, my son started to train at a boxing club with a friend of his from school. Although I was used to him risking injury playing football, boxing seemed a little extreme.


After watching him train (in the old-fashioned Olympic style), I have seen all the benefits he has reaped from his hard work: discipline, determination and endurance, to name just a few.


The Apostle Paul challenged Believers in Christ to fight the good fight of faith and to take hold of the promise of eternal life.


Every day we have the opportunity to get in the ring, develop our faith muscles and train in this good fight.


Do you have a conditioning program? A coach can help!

September 9, 2024

September 9, 2024

I have talked about messes before, and I will continue talking about them. (Anything worth saying bears repeating!)


We are fallible human beings after all, and every day brings new and different challenges. We need all the help we can get!


Even when we acknowledge our messiness, it is extremely beneficial to have ongoing reminders of God’s grace and redemption.


God allows the messes to happen in our lives for His good purposes. We won’t know all of the reasons right now, but one day we will have a full understanding.


If the Lord can clean up and redeem my mess, then He can certainly do the same for you!


God uses broken people like me to rescue broken people. Is it possible that He wants to use you, too?

September 2, 2024

September 2, 2024

Here is some interesting history about Labor Day, shared by fellow coach Gayle Chaky, a college planning consultant:


In the midst of massive unrest and in an attempt to repair ties with disgruntled American workers, President Grover Cleveland designated Labor Day as a national holiday on June 28, 1894.
The Uniform Holiday Act of 1968 ensured that certain holidays would always be celebrated on a Monday, including Labor Day.
Enjoy your Labor Day!