Laura's LifePath Coaching

March 27, 2023

March 27, 2023

If you have read any of my previous “Thought of The Week” posts, then you know that I love to share truth and encouragement from God’s Word. I see the Bible as one of my primary reference tools in working one on one with clients, coaching them through problems and helping them reach their goals. Although helping women who have experienced trauma is something of a specialty for me, a universal goal for every client is growth in the client’s relationship with Christ. This includes partnering between myself, the client and the Holy Spirit. 


In his popular devotional, “My Utmost For His Highest”, Oswald Chambers writes: “My goal is God himself, not joy nor peace, nor even blessing, but Himself, my God.”


One of the apostle Paul’s several confirmations of this goal, and secret to success, is seen in his prayer for the Ephesians, Chapter 1, verses 17-23. Verse 17 reads: “…that the God of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him…”. It is Jesus Christ who invites us into an intimate relationship with Him that is life-changing, and it is our personal relationship with God that enables us to be successful.


Are you interested in knowing God more intimately?


If you would like to talk about your goals, and grow in your relationship with God, send me a message or schedule a time to talk about a coaching relationship and whether I would be a good fit for you. I would love to help you on your journey!

March 20, 2023

March 20, 2023

What does it mean to be “whole”? 


First and foremost, becoming whole is a work of God. From God’s perspective, being whole is being complete in Him. In the words of Charles Stanley, it means “to know with deep assurance that we are beloved by God with an everlasting, infinite, and unconditional love.” 


Becoming whole is a journey that begins when we are rescued from ourselves – when we trust Jesus’s promise of salvation and invite Him into our hearts. 


Stanley adds: “You are never required by God to live with guilt, shame, or regret. Accept that your past mistakes may have put you into the situation you are in, but quickly acknowledge the greater truth that your past mistakes – now forgiven by God – do not need to impact the decisions or choices you will make in the future.”  


When we are whole, we are sound in spirit, mind, and emotions. We can stand up to the enemy of our souls no matter what he throws at us. Becoming whole is a journey of learning and healing that continues until we are finally in our eternal home. Only a personal relationship with Jesus puts us on a path toward becoming whole! 


Are you on this journey? Have you reached out to touch the hem of His garment?

March 13, 2023

March 13, 2023



A recent challenge to identify my top five core values resulted in a conclusion that authenticity is an important one. But, it raises the question: “Do I value saying and doing what is true to who I am?” 


The Lord’s patient leading over several years has given me opportunities, and the encouragement, to share the awakening that He gave me by shining a light into the darkness of my shame, resulting in freedom from my guilt and enabling me to help others to do the same.


For me, authenticity means actively following the Lord’s leading and provision of courage to share His gift of enlightenment with others.


It is important to allow ourselves to acknowledge the pain we have experienced as a result of our sin. Pain brings us the opportunity and the desire for the Lord’s entry into our innermost being. He brings with Him the peace, love, and healing that only He can provide.


What does authenticity look like for you?

March 6, 2023

March 6, 2023

I have more than one chapter! 


It took a very long time for me to understand that it’s only God’s assessment of worth and value that really matters. It takes more time and effort for many of us to recognize, and then internalize, this truth than it does for others.  


Only the Lord can set us free from the common error of believing that what others think about us is a valid basis for assessing our true worth and value. It is so freeing to recognize and rely on the love of the Lord for our sense of self-worth rather than relationships with others. Relationships matter, but self worth is never truly defined by others’ thoughts about us. 


My relationship with God stands firm and secure no matter what storms may swirl around me. The chapters that I didn’t want to read out loud are no longer of concern. All that matters is what God thinks of me. My identity is found in Him! He will guide me, strengthen me and take care of my needs. 


“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)


“. . .that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the width and length and depth and height – to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.“ (Ephesians 3:17-19)


Are you looking to your relationships to define you or are you looking to the Lord?

February 27, 2023

February 27, 2023

Are you interested in acquiring an understanding that brings with it a special gift of wisdom?


Not everyone is aware of the opportunity to share in God’s wisdom. To many, it’s simpler and less effort to stay in the dark!


How wonderful it would be to have as much as we could possibly have of God’s great wisdom!


The good news is that everyone can have access to His wisdom. Your education, intellect, talents, opportunities, skills, wealth, etc. are not required.


As Charles Stanley puts it “every person can reverence God, can receive Jesus Christ as Savior, and can submit his or her life to God on a daily basis. Every person can become wise.”



February 20, 2023

February 20, 2023

This is my prayer. Every morning. Every day.

His unfailing Love is my Life Path.

He is my Guide and I trust in Him.

No matter what today’s obstacles may be, following His lead always keeps me on the right path. 

“Ask and it will be given to you; . . .” (Matthew 7:7).

What do you pray for?

February 13, 2023

February 13, 2023

On Valentine’s Day we give top billing to our natural desire for love.


If it was not for Christ’s unsurpassable love for each of us, we could search for a lifetime without quenching this deep desire that God placed inside of us. 


Valentine’s Day provides a nice emphasis on love but falls short of the truth that there is no substitute for our Father’s Agape love. Not anywhere. It’s simply beyond our comprehension to know and understand how deeply and completely He loves us. 


It’s not uncommon for many of us to think that we’re not worthy of His love. We need to remember that Jesus came to save the sinners, not the righteous. To quote a favorite author, Hannah Whitall Smith, “Your very sinfulness and unworthiness is your chief claim upon His love and His care.”


Each one of us is called to accept that we are so special and precious to Him that, just as He left the flock of 99 sheep to find the one who was lost, He will seek you out to be rescued. 


We each need to experience the truth that John writes about in 1 John 4:16: “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us.”  


On Valentine’s Day, and every day, Jesus is the lover of our soul! 


God is with you. He takes great delight in you, quiets you with His love and rejoices over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). You are that precious to Him! Our Father loves you as much as He loves His own son, Jesus! (John 17:23)


Are you looking for true love? Have you accepted God’s offer of His love through a personal and loving relationship with Jesus? Want to talk about it?

February 6, 2023

February 6, 2023

Does anxiety interfere with your plans and goals?


When I feel anxious I become aware that my thought process has gone astray; I’ve wandered off on my own, my mind has become overloaded with thoughts about my problems. I’ve lost sight of God’s assurance that He cares about every aspect of my welfare and peace of mind and that He is watching over me and is working out His plan for my future, and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).


As my thoughts turn to Him, Jesus’ promise to carry my burdens (Matthew 28:11) and provide His peace (John14:27), becomes a reality and pushes aside my anxiety.


We should never allow anxiety or fear to cloud our mind and control our thoughts. We only need to focus our thoughts on God’s love and promises. By studying His Word, and, when possible, memorizing key verses, we can keep our focus on what is most helpful.


Charles Stanley has penned a helpful summation: “He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present. He knows absolutely everything about your situation. He knows how to produce wholeness out of brokenness. He knows how to build strength out of weakness. He knows how to heal what is sick. He knows how to bring reconciliation and love out of estrangement and hate. He loves you with an unconditional, unfathomable, immeasurable love.”


Are your thoughts staying in alignment with God’s thoughts?

January 30, 2023

January 30, 2023

A coaching relationship provides a helpful and healthy platform for sharing and finding relief from burdens. It’s a safe place, where your coach listens and engages with you to help you determine how to lighten your load and move forward without those burdens. 


Everyone has burdens, but not everyone is motivated to let go of them and improve their situation and their life. A genuine desire to unload heavy burdens is a key. A coach can’t provide the desire and determination, but can be an important sounding board to help lift and eliminate unnecessary burdens. 


Good coaches begin their coaching businesses by finding and meeting with their own coach. This gives coaches the positive experience of sharing their burdens and finding solutions that work for them. Everyone benefits! 


Why keep wrestling with unneeded burdens? What are you waiting for?

January 23, 2023

January 23, 2023

In today’s vocabulary, hope is often used to express a desire for something to happen or to be true. The original, and true meaning of the word hope, however, refers to a firm and certain expectation.


God gives us access to “a living hope” through the resurrection of Jesus (1 Peter 1:3). Hope is “a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul” (Hebrews 6:19). He is our hope!


Without true hope, the trials and troubles of this life will wear us down and take away our motivation to live the life that God would have us live – a life of abundance! 


Hope is manifested and materialized in the course of a helpful coaching relationship. Hope motivates both coach and client and provides a solid foundation for understanding and acquiring all that God has in mind for us.


What’s on your hope list for 2023? In what or, more importantly, in whom, are you placing your hope?


What are your goals for the year ahead? It would be my privilege to partner with you in building a foundation for true hope!