Laura's LifePath Coaching

July 3, 2023

July 3, 2023

Do feelings of weakness ever make you wish you could become stronger?


Did you know that the Holy Spirit sees weakness as an opportunity to partner with you and provide the strength and power that you need to overcome that weakness? 


Weakness can unexpectedly overtake you if you are trying to convince yourself that you have the strength on your own to face and conquer a serious challenge. A lack of understanding about the true source of strength and power is a common problem that leads to probable failure in overcoming a challenge. Where strength and power come from is key to acquiring it for yourself. 


The mightiest of the great men whom God used for His purposes were actually weak and in need of empowerment. Recognizing their weakness and seeking help from God became their strength.


Can you trust in God’s power and strength to overcome whatever weakness may lead to a failure to overcome a challenge?

June 26, 2023

June 26, 2023

Equating your life to a card game, what kind of a hand have you been dealt?


If you think you’re a victim of having been dealt a poor hand, a new mindset will help you to move forward, achieve goals and experience some peace.


1 Corinthians 2:16 speaks to having the “mind of Christ”. Now that is a mindset to have!


Coaching can help you toward acquiring that mindset that will guide you toward achieving a new quality of life, helpful goals and peace of mind. 


Could you benefit from talking with a coach about the cards you were dealt, your mindset, and your next move?

June 19, 2023

June 19, 2023

The word “let” tells us that something is required of us to experience His peace. Scripture tells us that what is required is belief. In Greek, the language of early Bible manuscripts, “belief” is defined as placing absolute confidence and trust in. Without that confidence and trust, Christ, and His peace, elude us.


Belief, (trust and faith), in Christ opens the door for union with Him and the gift of His peace. You can experience calm and the comfort of remaining untroubled despite the storms and trials which frequent all of our lives. 


The peace of Christ is a gift as well as a promise of God to all who trust in Him.


Will you take hold of it?

June 12, 2023

June 12, 2023

The farmer needs a guide to help him direct his plow in a straight path. He fixes his gaze on an object in the distance, like a tree or a post, to help him stay on a straight path. If he turns to look behind him while he plows, his plow will veer off course and his furrows will become crooked.


Like the farmer, Paul admonished the church that a straight path forward requires that we avoid looking behind us and focus on the things that are ahead. As we keep our focus ahead, depending on the Lord as our guide, our path will produce great things that He has in store for us, both in this life and in our home with Him in heaven, the prize of everlasting glory!


Are you avoiding the temptation of concentrating on what’s behind you and working to keep your focus on the high calling ahead of you?

June 5, 2023

June 5, 2023

Have you thought about the fact that prayer is an amazing privilege? In prayer, we have access to God, which brings us into a personal fellowship with our Creator! This privilege includes untold blessings for ourselves, our families, friends, church, and country. Our prayers bring a blessing to God as well!


Pride can often be a stumbling block to effective prayer. None of us know how to pray as we should. We need to accept the fact of our dependence on Him and ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for us when we pray. (Romans 8:26)


My hope is for your encouragement in believing God’s promise that He hears your prayers and that He will answer. Admitting our helplessness brings Him close.


To quote Ole Hallesby, a Norwegian theologian and noted author on the subject, “By prayer, we couple the powers of heaven to our helplessness, the powers which can capture strongholds and make the impossible possible.”


Are you feeling helpless? Your Father is waiting to hear your heart!

May 29, 2023

May 29, 2023

On a trip to Washington D.C., I took this picture shortly after a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. 


In the midst of a quiet time, the picture struck me as a unique visual accompaniment to my reflections on the sacrifice that so many made on our behalf to ensure the freedom that we tend to take for granted as a natural right.


My reflections also led me to a quote by General George S. Patton: “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God such men lived.”


How much more should these sacrifices remind us of the gift that God provides to all who are willing to recognize Jesus’ willingness to give up His life for us and the opportunity that we have to accept His invitation to enjoy true freedom and eternal life with Him? 

May 22, 2023

May 22, 2023

Finding seaglass and putting it on display are a joy to me. It reflects the light so beautifully!


It’s also a reminder that there is a purpose in brokenness. In turn, I also see it as a reminder that God uses broken people and broken things for His purposes.


Just as the action of the ocean waves smooth and polish the sharp, broken pieces of glass, our Heavenly Father gradually smooths our jagged and broken edges. He removes the brokenness and changes us into an appealing reflection of His light.


An important aspect of coming to God in repentance is our acceptance of the fact of our brokenness, opening ourselves up to receive Him and experiencing His desire to fashion us into reflectors of His love and handiwork.


Are you up for letting God perform a makeover of your brokenness into a thing of beauty and reflection of His light?

May 15, 2023

May 15, 2023

I must admit that thoughts of gratitude seldom come to mind on Monday mornings.  I’m usually too occupied with my To Do list and thoughts of my current problems. 


Several years ago, I started using a gratitude journal published by my former coach. I made it a daily practice to record three things that I was thankful for. Whatever my circumstances were at the time, highlighting my awareness of all that I had to be thankful for brought a welcome lift of my spirit.


Last week, while listening to a talk about morning routines, the Lord nudged my recollection of a closer walk with Him on those days that began with recording my thankfulness. He refocused me on the blessings of this great way to begin the day! 


Paul emphasizes the importance of learning to be content and grateful, regardless of our circumstances (Philippians 4:11-13). Everything we have comes from Him. He allows the good, as well as the bad, in our lives. We may not understand it at the present time, but He uses the bad to bring the good in our lives.


Putting our trust in the Lord always leads us to a closer relationship with Him and more to be grateful for.  


Are you up for including gratitude as an important focus for your mindset to begin and/or end your day?

May 8, 2023

May 8, 2023

Among the more important roles in my work as a coach is that of being an encourager. 

I like to begin the week with an emphasis on encouragement, and, to me, there is nothing more encouraging than God’s Word. The Bible is a rich source of wisdom and power regardless of the circumstances.

We can rest assured in the knowledge that no matter what was done or said yesterday, God will be with us today, and every day, in a brand new relationship.


We have His mercies and compassion anew when we wake up each morning! 

Does this give you any encouragement?

May 1, 2023

May 1, 2023

Trust is a major key to a healthy relationship. 


Dancing partners can only portray a pleasing harmony if one partner leads and the other follows. If both partners are leading, the dance becomes awkward and confusing. The follower needs to be receptive and responsive.


God is our leading partner. He is always leading the dance and always leading in our life.


Are you following and trusting God enough to keep Him in the lead?